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"Still no word from Leighton?" Steve asked Samuel and he shook his head. "No Dad." Steve sighed. "I miss my little girl."

He put his hands on the glass. "I miss her too but lets just give her some time. If i were in her position, i would be confused too. And hurt." Steve puts his hands too, to the glass in between them.

"I understand her. I just hope when the time is right, she choose us. Son, i can't lose her. She's my daughter, she is your sister."

Samuel nodded. "I know. Hey Dad, i have to go. I have to meet with our lawyers. I will come back tomorrow." Steve slightly smile. "Okay. Takecare Son. If you hear from Leighton, tell her how much i love her."

"I will. Hang on Dad, everything will be alright. I'm getting you out of here."

He nodded. "Thanks, Son."

Samuel looks back and slight smile. A security opens up the door and he left.

"It's all over news. Do you think we should tell her?" Whitney asked their friends. Clary shook her head. "Not yet. Let her enjoy her vacation. She deserves to have a peace of mind."

"It's shocking that she has her phone but doesn't know about it." Tara

"I thought about that too, that's why i asked her if she scrolls through her page, she said no. She turned off her comments, turned off the message request, threw her sim card away. And she just posted one time right? The story when she was with Tatum." Whitney

"Then she disappeared again" Clary

"Right. Let her have this. A peace of mind before she goes back home or find out what happened to Steve." Tara said then they all sighed.

Leighton woke up with Tatum beside her. She stared at her face sleeping and smiles. She blows her hair out of her face and kisses her nose. Tatum moves slowly and opens her eyes, she blink twice and smile when she saw Leighton in front of her. "Good morning" she said. "Good morning" Tatum responds and kisses Leighton on her lips.

While Leighton is cooking breakfast, Tatum walks in and hugs her from her back. "I will miss you. Are you sure you still want to stay here?" She asked. Leighton nodded. "But you know you need to face them eventually" she said. Leighton looks at her. Tatum is holding her waist, while Leighton puts her arms on her shoulder. "I will miss you too. I don't wanna talk about them. Please?" she said and Tatum nodded and kisses her lips. She looks behind Leighton. "Your pancake is burning." She said and she quickly turns around and turned off the stove. "Shit" she said and they laughed.

"I love you." Tatum said looking into her eyes. She smiled and said. "I love you too." then they hugged.

Tatum went back home. She turned the airplane mode off and her notifications are flooding. "Omygosh" She said shaking her head and ignoring it. She called her Father and told them she's coming home.

"How's the retreat?" Her Mom asked

"It's fun. I really enjoyed it. No phone, no signal. Detoxing from social media is great." She told her parents

"That's good. If we didn't know better, we would have thought you ran away with Leighton." Her Dad said. She swallowed and chuckles. "No. She ran away?"

Her Father held her Mother's hands. "Yes. We think she ran away after her Father's arrest. Poor child. The Father who raised him, was not her real Father. On the news he killed a woman, they killed a woman, and that woman is allegedly Leighton's Mother." Her Mom said and looks at her husband.

"Wh-what? Steve's been arrested?" Tatum couldn't believe what she heard and stood up. "I- I have to rest. I'm tired"

"Tatum.." Her Dad then she faces them.

"We know you and Leighton are together, but could you do us a favour? Stay away from her family for a while. We love you and we want to protect you." Her Mom said

"I'm sorry." She said and walks away

Her Dad sighs and shrugs to his wife.

Leighton staring at the sunset while drinking wine. "I miss her." She grabs her phone and think if she's going to open her wifi. She sighs. "Oh what the hell." Then she did just to call Tatum. It rang 3 times before she answered. "Hey i was just trying to call you if you ever open your wifi. I'm getting my chance."

"I was just thinking about you. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Leigh, you need to come home."

Leighton chuckled. "You miss me that much?"

"Yes i do, but this time not for me. Your Dad—"

Leighton's heart beats fast. "Did something happen?"

"He's— He's been arrested for murder. Your real mom's murder."

She dropped her phone and touches her mouth.

"Leigh? Babe? Hey Baby?"

A tear fell down her eyes.

"Talk to me. Are you still there?"


She picks up her phone and inhaled. "I- i'm coming home."

"Hey, i know you're not okay. Give it a day before flying home. I will go to your Dad tomorrow to see how he's doing. Babe, rest for a day. You can't travel feeling that way. It's not safe. I will check on him for you. I love you."

"Thank you Tatum. I love you too." Then she ended the call.

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