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Running. I am running, nonstop, i feel like i am just seeing the exact same things, i'm not leaving the place for the past hours. Panting. I can't hardly breathe. I'm sweating. Then i finally saw a house, again. This house? How many times do i need to see this house. I went inside, it was dark, old, smelly. I went to the same bedroom, i don't know why, my feet just walk me into this bedroom.

"hello?" I opened the door.

The photos again. Are here. I was scanning the room. Until the door opened, i gasped and turned around.

I saw a shadow, woman in a white dress. She lend her hands, like she wanted me to come with her. My feet just walk alone to come closer. Then when the lights hits, i saw a face, a scary one. I screamed.

"Leighton" I woke up with Tatum beside me. She's waking me up, i think. I stared at her face.

"You're having a bad dream." She said

I nodded. Then i felt tears in my eyes.

"Shh. Come here" She hugged me and kissed my forehead.


Saturday morning, dad left early for work. Samu went to the gym early. It's just me and Tatum and some helpers downstairs.

"You okay?" Tatum asked when she caught me staring at her

"Yeah yeah. Breakfast?" I suggested and get up

"Hmm." She grabbed me and hugged me.

I chuckled and we kissed. Then i stopped us, i told her i'm going to fix my self and out breakfast. After me, her turn to take a bath. I went downstairs first. Then i saw a woman standing.

"Can i help you?" I asked then she turned around.

I was stunned. This can't be real.

"Leighton" She said and hugged me. I can't speak. No words coming out from my mouth. No thoughts too. Then dad walked inside. I thought he has work?

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked

"Visiting my family" She said

I grabbed my phone while they are talking and texted Tatum to not go out, because my mom is here and dad. When mom said 'visiting family' dad chuckled. And his mood changed. Mom faced me again.

"How are you dear?"

"I-" I couldnt even speak. Then dad saved me.

"Honey, why don't you eat first. I'm going to talk to your mother" He said. I nodded and walked away, i turned my head while walking, they are facing and talking to each other. Then they walked away outside.

I haven't seen her my whole life. I just see her on photos. I know she left but why is she here now? I know i should feel excited and happy but that's not what i am feeling right now. It's confusion and empty thoughts.

Tatum replied. I chuckled because she said she's hungry. I made a sandwich and took it upstairs.

"Your mom? Really?" She said

I nodded.

"Wow. Do you know why she's here?" She asked


"Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

She puts down the sandwich and hugged me. I just feel safer and better when she's around. I wish she could just stay here forever.


"What the hell Maria? You can't just walked in here like you own the goddamn place. You are out of our lives"

She chuckles. "You really raised her huh"

"Yes. And she thinks you're her mother because of the photos of you and Samu. You need to leave"


"No? Are you crazy?"

"Steve these threats, are not fun. It's scary. I don't wanna go to jail"

"Neither do i! That's why you need to leave and leave this to me. I'm doing everything that i can to trace those emails and find out who is behind this"

"I wont go anywhere. I'm staying here"

I chuckled and looked her in the eyes. With anger.

"You are not. Leave." I said a bit loud. I grabbed her arms and forced her to leave. Luckily Leighton's not here.

"Fine." She removed my hands. "But i will come back when i receive such things again. Tell me if you find this piece of shit" She fixes her blazer and walks away.

After she left i remembered Leighton.


"Leigh" Dad knocks.

Tatum and I looked at each other and she quickly hid on my bathroom. Then i opened the door.

"Dad" I said

"Can i?" He asked if he's allowed to enter. I nodded and gave him a way.

"That woman is—"

"My mother. I know. Why was she here?"

"Long story honey. I just want to let you know that you cannot trust her, you see her, avoid her. I love you with all my heart peanut." He hugged me.

I closed my and tears just fell. "I—i haven't seen her my whole life, why does she have photos with Samu, and not me?"

"Because she's a bad person. Don't think about her. Me and your brother will always be here for you, no matter what. We are family"

I smiled a bit at him and he hugged me again. Then someone knocked again. Come in.

"Hey.." Samu said. "I heard" He sat on my right side, dad's on the left.

"I saw her. In the flesh Sam." I looked at him. He glanced at dad for a second then looked at me,

"Come here" He hugged me. Then dad hugged me too. Both of them are.

"We love you peanut" Dad said

"I love you guys. By the way Sam, you stink. Your sweat stinks" I said then they laughed.

I know they said or dad said that i cannot trust her of she's a bad person, but still i want to know her. I wanna know my mom. I'm lack of mom my whole life. I wonder what it feels like to have some. When dad and samu left; Tatum also left because her parents are looking for her. I went to the dad's office and grabbed the family album. Scanning and seeing mom and sam. And i'm not in any of it, I don't have a photo with her, not even one. That made me sad. Then my phone chimes. Unknown number.

"You're closer to the truth than you think."

I rolled my eyes.

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