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Warning : grammatical errors, swearing words

It's always been like this. Like a cycle of life. Hi my name is y/n l/n. I'm 17 years old. And right now, I'm going to my school. My school starts from 7:30am but i always go to school at 6:00. You must be wondering why so early, the answer to your question is. Because i don't want to deal with my father to be the first thing in the morning. He's always drunk and been abusing and beating me almost everyday. Apparently, my mother died after giving birth to me but after listening to the news of his dead wife, he started to get drunk everyday and he's always abusing me thinking I'm the reason his love of his life died, thinking I'm a mistake, thinking if i was not born he would still have his lover in his arms and to tell you the truth, I'm being constantly getting bullied and the reason to that is, i don't have a mother and I'm really poor. As i said before my father is drunk almost everyday, well due to that he does not have a job, so i have to find a job myself to run this house. I'm a part-time waitress at a cafe. Its really hectic to me, because my part-time job starts at 1:30pm just after 15 minutes when my school ends.

Coming back to the present, I'm right now going to my school, it's currently 6:00am. Luckily the time from my home and the school is only 10mins. Currently I was walking towards my class, the hallway as usual is really quite, given that it's 1 hour before the school start. I enjoy the quietness. After reaching my class, i throwed my bag beside my chair before sitting on my seat, which is beside a window and last in my row, i don't really know the reason but i really like this seat. The class was really peaceful as still no one has arrived. Looking outside the window i got lost thinking about my life 'how my life would had been if my mother was alive'. I was snapped out of my thoughts by some students entering the classroom, it was 7:15 now, i was surprised by how fast the time passed by. After, the periods, it was lunch time, i was waiting for everyone to get out of the classroom, i exited the last, i went to my place where i always eat my lunch, it was the rooftop of my school where no one comes, as we're not allowed here but all the students were in the field or in the hallways and the staff members were in the staff room eating there own lunch, so there was no way i could get caught. I really love this place, it's really peaceful and the scenery from here is also really beautiful.👇🏻

After finishing my lunch, the bell rang signalling that the lunch was over, I quickly went to my class and after putting my lunchbox in my bag, I went to my next class

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After finishing my lunch, the bell rang signalling that the lunch was over, I quickly went to my class and after putting my lunchbox in my bag, I went to my next class.

It was now my last class which is history, it was really boring. Luckily, the bell rang signalling that the school was over now. After packing my bag i was walking in the hallways going towards my school gate, than suddenly i hear someone shout "hey bitch, hope your father had fun last night with a slut that's your mother, oops sorry, my bad you don't have one" than they suddenly started laughing, that was one of my bully. Now everyone was chuckling or looking at me. I just ignored them and continue my walk towards the school gate than they said "hey, don't ignore me bitch" yet, I ignored them again than they said something that made me stop "i bet your mother married your father just for money and regret it so she suicided" after that statement, I stopped my journey, looking down at my shoes,  my bangs covering my face, turning around and went towards the group them glaring at them. They were all smirking or chuckling, i said "i hope that the slut my father fucked last night wasn't your bitch of a mother that gives birth to some devil spawns or i would really hate my father more than i do right now and i really feel pity towards your father who have to marry a whore like her" after i said the bullies smirk went down and a angry frown took it's place, everyone around us were saying "ooooohhhhhh" i smirked and spit on their face and started to run and they were chasing after me. Suddenly I remembered that i have to go to my part-time job, i took a look at my watch and i only have 10 mins. After 5mins running around, i was able to lose them and ran quickly towards the cafe i currently work in without getting caught.

As i enter the cafe, the cafe owner was standing there with a frown one her face she said "you're late y/n" than i said "I'm really sorry Mrs. Vraganza i was chased by my bullies" looking down at my shoes i was really sad that she will suspend me. What i didn't notice was that her eyes soften at my explanation, she said "it's okay don't be late next time" patting my head, my eyes lit and than i said happily "of course Mrs. Vraganza, i won't be late again". You see,  Mrs. Vraganza is the owner of the cafe i work in. She's actually really sweet and kind, she's like a mother figure to me, she knows of my situation except the abusing from my father, she knows of my constant bullying and always supports me, she's the only one that i can open my feelings to.

I put my apron on and started taking orders. It was now late in the noon and there was only one customer left to serve, who was reading a newspaper, i went towards him and said "hello sir, what would you like to order" he put his newspaper down and look towards me, suddenly time stopped he was intensely looking in my eyes as if searching for something and suddenly, he said "let me tell you something my dear, all the suffering you are having will vanish tonight" i was really confused who was he? Does he know of my abusing and bullying? Is he been stalking me? "sorry sir, i think you have mistaken me by someone else I'm not suffering from anything" i lied, "you have never lived a happy life have you? you will get one now, of course there will be some hardships but it was He who requested. Little one, you have suffered enough and now you will live a life full of freedom and love" he said and in a blink he vanished. I was left frozen and confused, 'what does he mean by that?' "Y/n" i was snapped out of my thoughts by the owner of the cafe, "yes Mrs. Vraganza" i said looking towards her "it's getting really late, you should leave" she said, i look outside the window and it was actually getting really late, the sun was coming down, i look towards her again and asked "will you be okay by yourself?" "yes i will be okay by myself, you don't have to worry about me little one, now go on" she said giving me a warm smile and i returned it with a smile as warm as i can make and folded my apron and throwed it on the counter. I was walking towards the cafe gate, then suddenly i turned around and said "good night Mrs. Vraganza, hope you have sweet dreams" "good night sweetheart, hope you have same too" she said smiling softly towards me, i smiled at her one last time and exit ths cafe and started walking towards my house.

I went inside my house, trying not to make any noise and wake my father up. I went inside my room and change my clothes, i was wearing a white plain pajama and a black full-sized loose tshirt and my slippers on. I went towards the kitchen and started making dinner. "Oh you're here, you imbecile" a drunk voice said, i stopped what i was doing and look towards my father, standing at the gate of the kitchen with a half-filled beer bottle in his left hand. I was really scared that he was going to beat me again, so I didn't said anything "you know you were a mistake, you bitch, you took her from me, you were not even supposed to be born, you're not my blood because i know my love would never ever give birth to a demon spawn like you, you whore, i hate you and now I Will Kill You" he slapped me really hard that i hit my head on the floor hard and blood started to flow from my forehead, he started to kick me with his legs, it really hurts, i was crying and asking him to stop but he didn't, he started to punch me and than suddenly he smash the beer bottle on my head than my world went black.

I woke up with my head pounding painfully, i was having a migraine. After the pain dulled a bit i realised i was laying on grass. I opened my eyes and  instantly the sunlight shined upon them. I was fighting the sunlight with my eyes, i rubbed them and started to look around. Apparently, i was in the middle of a forest with trees and bushes surrounding me. I'm extremely confused and look down towards my body and a look of shock and surprise was written on my face. Apparently, i have a body that looks like of a 12 years old. I was really confused and started to have thoughts like 'where am i?' 'when did i got here?' 'wasn't i suppose to be dead?' 'why am I in a body of a 12 years old?' I looked around at my surroundings and suddenly said "what the hell".

(Sorry for the late update, i was really busy because of Christmas🥺🙏🏻and i really hope you like this chapter, btw this is my first story that i have written)

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