~Chapter - 5~

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On their journey to the academy, Kakashi walked behind y/n, secretly studying her, he thought that 'how could a child a have such an immense power, and to mention that she's quite a beauty even at such a young age', refering to the h/cette child, who was quite beautiful with her h/c hair flowing behind her, s/c porcelain skin glowing in the sunlight. Which shines like a lone daring star in a sea of stars in the night. Noticing that Kakashi was staring at her for quite long , the previous hokages glared at him harshly, as they reached the academy, kakashi was snapped out of his thoughts 'no kakashi, she's a lot younger than you...but why is my heart feels so warm and protective whenever i look at her' he thought, he was confused. After few minutes of walking, they reached the classroom "so this is it l/n, this is your classroom, good luck on you first day" Kakashi said while smiling softly and patting her head, "hmm, thank you for accompanying me Mr. Hatake" and then he disappeared.

Y/n walked towards the door and knocked on it, the door opened and........

~ To be continued

3rd Pov:Y/n walked towards the door and knocked on it

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3rd Pov:
Y/n walked towards the door and knocked on it. The door was opened by Iruka sensei "oh, you must be the new student, come in, come in" he said with a warm welcoming smile on his face, when the h/c girl entered the class, the whole class broke into whispers....

"Oh is that the new student? I didn't know its was a girl"

"She's beautiful though"

"I hope she doesn't take my sasuke away, well actually she can't because she's not even all that"

"Do you think she's single?"

"Please God, don't tell me she's one of the fangirl"

"She's hot"

"Please I'm far better than her"

Some female students looked at her with envy and some at her with blushes on their faces along with all the male students.

Than iruka hushed everyone "please introduce yourself" he said.

"I'm Y/n l/n" the h/cette said, making everyone including Iruka-sensei sweat dropped at her small introduction. "Ok, does anyone have any questions?" Iruka-sensei asked, while y/n was standing nonchalantly and oblivious to everyone the ghost were standing behind her protectively. After Iruka-sensei's question almost everyone raised there hands. Both Iruka-sensei and y/n were shocked. After overcoming the shock, y/n pointed towards the well known hyuga princess, "you with black hair and beautiful purple eyes" the h/cette beauty said.

"M-me?" Hinata asked, while everyone else were sad and angry that the h/cette didn't choose them. "Yes you dear" y/n said softly and calmly knowing that how sensitive the princess was and also because she didn't wanted to hurt the hyuga's feelings because she was one of the favourite characters of the h/cette. Everyone was shocked that just a moment ago the h/cette was really cold towards everyone and now how softly she was talking to the hyuga. "You're not from this village right?" Hinata asked, "you're right I'm not from here, is that all?" Y/n replied softly. After getting a no from the hyuga, y/n looked around and pointed towards a certain pinkette. "You" she said, the pinkette slammed her desk before she stood up, "do you have any stupid little crush on anyone in this class" the pinkette asked. Sakura was on y/n's top 5 most hated characters in naruto, she didn't like how she treated Naruto when he was there with her, always saving her and for moral support and she hated her also because how loud and arrogant her character was. Well of course she changed afterward in the 4th Great Ninja War but still she was a little girl who was obsessed with a certain duck haired uchiha and was useless along with her obnoxious personality.

Y/n stood there looking at her with a bored face, "I just entered the class how do you expect me to like someone this fast. And about how you phrased the 'stupid little crush' clearly states you were talking about yourself actually your 'stupid little fangirl' self. And on the first record I don't get a crush just because of looks if that's what you are insisting cause clearly I'm not like you little girls" y/n said rudely to the pinkette, who was embarrassed and mad.

Everyone was looking at her with shock and chuckling at her savage reply. Even a certain duck haired uchiha was chuckling along with the hokages and a sleepy pineapple headed who woke up when she entered the class. After Iruka-sensei made the pinkette sit, Sakura was beyond mad and embarrassed, she along with some other fangirls thought 'how in the hell did that hag was able to make my sasuke-kun laugh and take his attention. I have to teach her a lesson because sasuke-kun is only mine, she's not even close to my beauty. She's acting all that cool but in reality she is just insecure because she's not even close to what we called standard beauty, I'll surely teach this hag a lesson' the girls were glaring at her after they heard their dear uchiha chuckle. Hearing the thoughts of  all the fangirls with her telepathic ability the h/cette smirked at them and looked around. She pointed at a certain pineapple head and said "you" the said boy asked her while sitting lazily on his chair "do you have chakra?", then the h/cette replied "i do, is that all?" She said with a bored look on her face, the pineapple headed quickly added "a boyfriend maybe?" at this other males were curious too.

Y/n looked at the boy with her natural cold stoned face and replied "no". At her answer every male was relieved especially when the said girl was not a fangirl of the well known uchiha. Iruka-sensei then said "well, enough questions now. L/n please sit down now" the saud h/cette nodded and walked towards the seats. While she was passing the students made space for her to sit beside them and was quickly disappointed when she didn't even bat and eye to them. To the h/cette there were only 2 seats empty, one beside the Uchiha and the other beside our knucklehead, without hesitation y/n sat beside the well known trouble maker. Everyone was shocked at her choice of not sitting with the duckbutt, who was the dream boy of every girl.

Naruto gave y/n a nervous smile when she looked at him, he thought that you were going to make fun of him or call him demon, just like everyone. "Hii there, my name is Y/n L/n, what's yours?" even though the said girl knew his name, she still asked smiling softly at him. Naruto never saw a more beautiful person such as the h/cette, sure there are people with outer beauty like Sakura and ino but they never had the same amount of inner beauty or he's just judging people really early. Naruto can't help it, he was all alone all time and only Iruka sensei seemed to care about him. He just doesn't want to believe that the h/cette, who was his first friend in his mind will  be like others after hearing his name. And just by looking at you he thought, not only were you the prettiest girl he has ever seen but also the kindest person unlike everyone who calls him a monster at the first meeting.

"I-I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be the next hokage" this time unlike everytime, naruto introduced himself a bit nervously, still afraid of you judging him. You smiled softly at him "I'm sure you'll reach your goal". At this Naruto look at you with hopeful teary eyes. He finally have someone, who won't judge him or call him a monster. He met the h/cette not more than 15mins ago but unknown to him and everyone, he started to feel some feelings for you that will grow into something darker in the future. Just like everyone's on whom the affect has started.

"We will have a re-test on the transformation jutsu, even those who passed will also take it" Iruka said. Hearing this, all the students whined while some groaned.

Everyone stood in a line, waiting for their turn. The first being Sakura.

"Sakura Haruno, here i go.........Transform" Sakura said, closing her eyes before transforming into Iruka successfully, "Ok" Iruka said while grading her while Sakura transformed back. "I did it, Cha" Sakura said happily, "did you see that Sasuke-kun" Sakura asked to Sasuke who like always ignored her. "Next, Sasuke Uchiha" Iruka said, Sasuke transformed into Iruka without weaving a hand sign, "O-ok" Iruka said while sweat dropping. "Next, Y/n L/n" y/n came to the front and weaved the hand signs, perfect transforming into Iruka, "Good job, L/n even though, even though today is your first day, you passed the exam successfully" Iruka praised her with a soft smile "Thank you, sensei" y/n said with cold and a small voice. Iruka again sweat dropped at this. "Next Naruto Uzumaki"

As Y/n saw in the anime.....Naruto didn't pass the exam, but this time she was there to support him.

Hii guys, I'm back. Here's a new chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

I'm so sorry guys. I haven't updated my stories for a long time but I'm back now and I'll be updating them as fast as i can.

And thank you so much for so many views guys. I feel really grateful. Just remember to always keep yourself hydrated and please take care of yourselves. Love u guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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