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This is a Camp Camp fanfiction. It is six years after they left, so this book would be set in 2022. (2016-2022)
Watch Camp Camp (s1 to s4) to understand this story. Or else it would be very confusing.

— The sun rises over Camp Campbell, and as the leaves flow with the wind, there it is! The bus of Cam-

David waved his hands and frowned as a sign for Cameron Campbell to stop.

— No! he squealed. Mr. Campbell, for the last time! This isn't supposed to be fancy or anything, you know? We just need a quick demonstration to show how much you do care about talking to the campers! It's been six years! We are going to see them again!

David continued his outburst about the whole event that was going to occur: him, along with his co-counselor Gwen, meeting their older campers.

— Shut up, DAVEY! C.C groaned. It's not such a big deal and besides, who cares? They are what, 15? Man, at that age, I would die of embarrassment if I went back to camp! Why are those little rascals coming back? stated Mr.Campbell, still confused about the whole situation.

David shook his head in disappointment. He jumped off of the green coloured sofa he was sitting on to reveal the same outfit he wore all those years ago, except for some additional bandages, spiralling all the way to his elbow. Reaching his 30s didn't influence his facial appearance, which terrified Gwen.

— Well...she stuttered, sitting on a green picnic table. Some of them are adults... Uh, Max, Neil and Nikki, I'm assuming they are teenagers now...

— Exactly! replied C.C suddenly. Oh, I forgot my favorite show is on TV!

Mr.Campbell went back up in his tiny bedroom upstairs, abandoning the whole script David prepared for the campers. Gwen noticed C.C was acting rather suspicious and pointed it out to David.

— Isn't he always suspicious? he responded, hands on his hips.

Noise could be heard behind Gwen, which startled her. The counselors noticed it was coming from the kitchen.

David quickly ran towards her as they both picked up an item, ready to attack. As they approached, David was astounded to see the platypus eating a whole garbage can.

— This is amazing, David! Gwen exclaimed. I don't even need to clean anything up, and you can come help me find my phone that I lost.

— It's getting on to you, huh? pointed out David, hitting her with his elbow repeatedly. Seeing them again? Heck, they are probably taller than you are!

— That's impossible! Gwen blushed. I'm pretty tall for an average woman. Anyways, seriously, where is my phone? I swear I had it...

Of course, Gwen was rather tall, but not taller than David. She was rather insecure about the fact that people kept pointing it out, so she gave a side eye to David as she went to search.

Gwen disappeared, and David rushed outside, too excited to help find her phone. All ready to meet the arriving campers, he appeared to be keeping the same smile for so long. During the ten minutes of waiting, David was slightly annoyed by Gwen's yelling. A noisy yellow school bus arrived in front of David.

— Bus is here, said Quartermaster, tired. Just like David, his physical appearance was lasting.

YEAH, SMELL THAT NATURE AGAIN! shouted a turquoise haired girl, wearing a yellow T-Shirt, a purple vest, red overalls and dirty shoes that matched her hair colour. It was Nikki, the overactive, nature-obsessed girl, who is now almost twice the height of her ten-year-old self.

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