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Play this song after Vic and Belch Find Y/N in the forest about to climb the tree.

I had ran into the forest to get away from them and i realised i didn't know what to do.

I had always tried my best to escape my endless cycle of madness but all way come crashing down before me.

I heard crunching leaves behind me as i turned around, i couldn't see anything so i turned around.

'Do my ears deceive me or do i hear voices' so i thought it as i turned around behind me.

I could not believe my eyes, both Belch and Victor had followed and found me in the woods, my reaction was beyond me.

I stood there for moment before running off catching them off guard, i found my tree that i used to climb up all broken down which had saddened me.

I then found another tree that i could easily climb up but as i took my first lift at the leg i heard multiple footsteps arouse from the distance which had soon caught up to me.

"Y/— Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" They questioned me as i climbed more up the tree.

Now they could probably see under me so i'd need to be careful.

"Climbing" I blatantly replied while carrying on until i got to an unreachable branch and i sat up there.

"look come on! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" i hear victor shout.

"Yeah your gonna hurt yourself darling." Belch added on.

"What more than i already have been" i scream.

"Look just leave me be you care more about your friendship with my brothers so go be with them." I blurt out.

"We want to be with you and—

I cut Victor screaming at him "I DON'T CARE STOP STALKING ME!"

They halt their tracks and realise that there's no point in arguing and they leave me helplessly in the tree.

I could tell Victor looks like he is about to cry, and so am i, i want them to come up and hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay like they did before but instead they ignored my ever so slight quiet calls.

So i called them back louder and i think they heard me.

"COME BACK!!" i yelled loud making them two hear me and probably Henry and Patrick hear me as well.

The two boys turn around looking at me with sadness in there eyes feeling like they had just been rejected but as their sad filled eyes met my teary glossed ones they changed and finally decided to let their guard down.

I was secretly breaking down both their walls and i loved it.

I let out a shaky breath which they probably heard as the wind whistled through them.

I sneezed while up in the tree next thing i know the pair starts laughing as if i was a baby.

"look just come down from there Y/N." Belch pleaded as it started slightly raining.

"umm, uhh okayyy" i stuttered trying to find and remember how i got up and how i could get down.

We hear chuckling from amongst the entrances of the forest along with voices.

"there going to be in here aren't they?"  a voice spoke, which had made me panic.

My body filled with slight worry had been accompanied by fear as well as even more worried.

The Abused || Belch x Victor x OC  (POLY) || ITWhere stories live. Discover now