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Sadie knows Y/N would never cheat on her but she can't help but get jealous. Sadie is sitting at the bar in her and Y/N's house watching her girlfriend with her childhood best friend Hailee Steinfeld.

"Sadie Y/N loves you."Y/N's sister Lauren says

"I know but I still can't help but get jealous. I mean Hailee is gorgeous and has known Y/N way longer than I have."Sadie says sighing

"It doesn't matter how long you have known someone Sadie it matters who knows things about you that no one else knows. I know for a fact you know about the scars that Y/N has on her thighs that's she's always been insecure about that Hailee doesn't know about."Lauren says

"Yeah she told me the first time we had sex. She said she got them from catching Taylor."Sadie says

"Yeah her and Taylor were playing at the park and Taylor slipped from on top of the monkey bars and Y/N caught her but she ended up falling and she fell onto multiple rocks and a broken bottle."Lauren says and Sadie nods

"I still can't help but get jealous I mean look at how she is with Hailee."Sadie says looking at Y/N and Hailee laughing so hard they have teats coming out of their eyes.

"Sadie she is the same way with you you just never notice because you're so in love with her that you don't notice anything that we notice. The only thing you notice about her is when she's upset just by one look."Lauren says and Sadie smiles.

"You're right there's nothing to be jealous about."Sadie says and Lauren smiles

A few weeks later Sadie is sitting on the couch when Y/N walks downstairs dressed up.

"Where are you going?"Sadie asks

"Out with Hailee I told you that this morning."Y/N says

"You promised me we were going to stay home and watch movies."Sadie says upset

"We can do it tomorrow."Y/N says

"You've said that for the last ten days."Sadie says

"What are you talking Sadie?"Y/N asks

"Do you really not love me anymore."Sadie says ignoring Y/N's question

"Of course I still love you how are you gonna ask that."Y/N says

"Because for the last four weeks you've canceled every single date I've planned for us just so you can go hang out Hailee. I've tried to listen to  Lauren when she told me there's no reason for me to be jealous but I can't anymore. I've tried so hard to not believe the articles saying you and Hailee were cuddling or hugging up against each other. It hurts Y/N I love you more then anything else on this fucking planet but it just doesn't seem like you feel the same."Sadie says and Y/N sighs.

"Are you cheating on me?"Sadie asks and Y/N doesn't answer.

"Oh wow thats fucking awesome. I gave you everything Y/N!"Sadie yells and starts crying.

"I'm not cheating on you I was just shocked that you asked that question."Y/N says and all Sadie can do is cry.

Y/N pulls Sadie into her and hugs her and kisses her head. Sadie cuddles into Y/N and cries into Y/N's neck.

"Baby I love you and I would never cheat you."Y/N says and Sadie leans up and kisses Y/N.

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