I'm fine part 2

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Y/N and Sadie sit outside for a while until Y/N's mom walks outside holding Kai.

"Hey I need to get going everyone else has left."Y/N's mom says and sits Kai down who runs over to Y/N and Sadie and sits down next to Sadie.

"That's fine we'll see you later."Sadie says and Y/N's mom nods and leaves the house

"Mommy are you okay?"Kai asks sitting in his knees

"Yeah baby I'm fine."Y/N says ending her fingers through her son's hair.

"Why don't we all go snuggle with Lucky and watch tv?"Kai asks

"That's a good idea baby why don't you go pick out a movie."Sadie says and Kai nods and runs inside.

Y/N snuggles her face back into Sadie's neck.

"Baby we're going to find him but right now we have a four year old to take care of."Sadie says kissing Y/N's head

"I need to eat."Y/N says into Sadie's neck

"You don't have too baby I know how you get when you're upset."Sadie says rubbing Y/N's back

"If I don't eat our little baby will be hungry."Y/N says smiling into Sadie's neck and Sadie eyes go wide then pulls back from Y/N so Y/N is forced to look at her

"You're pregnant?"Sadie asks excitedly and Y/N nods.

Sadie smiles and pulls Y/N into a hard but slow kiss

"We're going to be just fine."Sadie says after they pull away

The next day Y/N wakes up to Kai jumping on the bed.

"Where's mama at?"Y/N asks

"I don't know I woke up and she wasn't here."Kai says shrugging then plops down on the bed and turns on the TV

"Well I'm going to call her. You stay here."Y/N says 

"Okay mommy."Kai says and turns on bubble guppies.

Y/N walks downstairs and dials Sadie's number. After two rings Sadie picks up.

"Hey babu what's up?"Sadie asks

"Where are you?"Y/N asks

"At work, I told you I had to film today."Sadie says

"I forgot."Y/N says sighing

"How's our little bean doing?"Sadie asks walking into her trailer

"Good I just woke up because Kai decided it would be a great time to jump on our bed."Y/N says sitting at the kitchen counter

"Well baby he is your kid."Saide says laughing

"I do not jump on our bed."Y/N says

"No but you do wake me up when you're bored."Sadie says

"What else am I supposed to do."Y/N asks smiling

"Cuddle back into me and go back to sleep or cuddle into me and get on your phone."Sadie says

"You're always wanting to sleep."Y/N says pouting

"Obviously not since we have a four year old and another baby on the way."Sadie says smirking and Y/N rolls her eyes playfully

"Can you maybe come back home?"Y/N asks

"It's everything okay?"Sadie asks before Y/N can say anything she hears a big bang from upstairs and runs upstairs forgetting about her phone.

When she runs into her room she sees Trevor holding a gun to Kai's head and Kai is crying.

"Mommy help me."Kai says crying

"Shut up you little twerp."Trevor says

"Trevor let him go he has nothing to do with any of this."Y/N says tearing up scared that Trevor is going to kill her son

"He has everything to do with this. He's the only one that I can kill and get you to come with me. I won't be able to get a hold of Sadie because that bitch is too strong and she would see me coming from a mile away."Trevor says

"Let him go and you can have me."Y/N says crying

"If I let him go you swear you'll come with me?"Trevor asks

"Yes now let him go!"Y/N screams and Trevor pushes Kai to the ground and Kai crawls over to Y/N crying.

Y/N picks Kai up and hugs him and they're both crying.

"Go downstairs and call mama."Y/ whispers and Kai nods and Y/N puts him down.

"Mama Mama."Kai says into the phone

"Kai Honey I'm on my home what's going on?"Sadie asks petrified

"Trevor showed up and held a gun to my head but he told Mommy if she goes with him he won't kill me."Kai says

After Kai says that Sadie speeds up. A few seconds alter Sadie runs into the doro and Kai jumps into her arms.

"Where's Mommy?"Sadie asks kissing Kai's head

"In your room."Kai says

"Stay down here with Lucky."Sadie says and puts Kai down

Sadie runs up to her and Y/N's room and see Trevor has Y/N pinned to the bed with a gun at her head and she tackles him to the ground and punches him until she hears a crack and has cuts on her knuckles she grabs the gun to make sure he can't try and shoot them.

Y/N jumps into Sadie arms and cries into Sadie's neck. Sadie starts tearing up and holds Y/N tightly.

Kai runs in a second later with two officers behind him.

"That's the bad that tried to kill me and Mommy."Kai says pouting at Trevor.

One officer handcuffs him and walks hom the police car then walks back inside

"So I can see y'all found the guy who killed your sister."The officer says to Y/N but Y/N doesn't say anything and keeps her face in Sadie's neck

"You really did a number on him Mrs. Sink."The other officer says

"Well he tried to kill my wife and son."Sadie says shrugging

After getting everything wrote down the officers leave and Y/N Sadie Kai and Lucky all cuddle on Y/M and Sadie's bed.

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