While the 2 hours had been passing, Shimizu had came back from work and quickly greeted them at their meeting house as they were sharpening their weapons and cleaning their guns to those who had them.
*2 hours pass, now dusk. 11:37pm*
Daichi stood up, dusting his black shorts.
"Men. Today, we charge over to their base camp and fight. We fight them. No matter if they already beat us in what was a practice match. We fight, continue to flow and fight as best as we can."
"Yeah!" The group shouted.
"Good, now let's go."
It was still raining when it reached 12am. The group was walking on a muddy pathway possibly towards evident death.
Tobio's heart was racing. His heartbeat was pounding through his sickly pale and wet ears. This wasn't the best way to go for him. What if... They had a lot of men? What were they going to do?
"Shut up."
The rest of the walk was filled with rain splattering on the muddy pathway.
It has been over 20 minutes since they had left the walls. The rain and clouds making a silent yet loud harmony of noise. The sun hiding behind the very dark clouds. The thunder clashed and banged up in the sky. Lightning now visible and not close to them.
Daichi stopped. His brown eyes widening at the sound of someone singing a sickly frightening song.
Everyone had stopped in their tracks. This song. It sounds like... A old friend's voice.
"What... Is this.."
The song rang out through the forest. It sounds behind them luckily. But not lucky. It means their heading towards the walls. But their minds couldn't comprehend this situation.
The voice. It was disgusting, insane and pure madness swelling inside of it. The madness growing and decreasing each second like a balloon if someone where to expand and let some air out it. The madness was overflowing. It gets bigger then it decreases. Little by little.
" Come, look at this stage of dreams~ On the tangled thread, sweet poison. Just wait, extend both your hands. I'll dye you in madness on this whimsical night~"
This voice made shivers go down all their spines. The rain made it even worse as they were soaked. Their hair matted down to their heads, their clothes soaked. If there were wind, they'd be dead and or sick. Luckily there wasn't.
The song trailed off along with their shivers.
"Daichi. This... This.." Sugawara started.
"I know. It's.. Oikawa. He's alive." Daichi growled clenching his fists.
"How can he still be alive??" Kageyama whisper yelled due to the Biter sounds he heard.
"I don't know! Let's just keep going. We have job to make." Daichi whispered too before running off. They all followed.
Their foot steps getting louder with every step. Meaning. More people were sprinting as best and hard as they could to get away from that unstable playful voice.
Once again. Their sprinting has paid off and they were finally at the ruined place of a building.
"This is..." Sugawara panted and wiped off the sweat on his forehead along with drips of cold rain. His eyebrows furrowed. Then his eyes widened.
"It's supposedly what's left of Nekoma." Daichi tells gritting his teeth and fists clenching once again.

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Fanfiction((AU!Haikyuu)) Infection. Diseases causing massive outbreaks of riots and murders throughout Japan. All happening under their noses. The infection getting so terribly bad, it happens to be spreading fast. Schools shutting down as fast as you can bli...