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time skip: 6 days

Wednesday was in the room with Enid and she got up to get some water. "Wednesday, please don't leave me." Enid pleaded. "En, I'm just gonna get water. You'll be ok." Wednesday said as she kissed Enid on the head. Enid whimpered and then she let her go get her water.

Wednesday was in the lobby now. "Where can I get water?" She asked politely. "Over there in the vending machine!" Someone said. She said thank you and went to pay for it. She paid for it then went back to the room. Enid was now sitting up. "Look Wednesday, I sat up!!" Enid said excitedly. "Aww sweetheart, I'm glad you can do that." Wednesday said as she looked at Enid like she was in love with her for the first time.

Wednesday sat in a chair near Enids bed. "How much longer do I need to be hereee" Enid said, she sounded really tired and bored. "They said I can take you home tomorrow." Wednesday said as she saw Enid get really excited. "YES WE CAN FINALLY CUDDLE!!!" Enid screamed. "Shhh." Wednesday said. Enid apologized and laughed. Wednesday giggled. She loved seeing her girlfriend really happy. She had hated seeing Enid like that, 6 nights ago. Wednesday shook away those thoughts and thought about winter break.

"Enid, our break is soon. Which means we'll have to be without each other.." Wednesday said as she looked like she wanted to cry. "My parents don't come to get me for break, I'm always the only one who stays behind." Enid said as she tried to smile. "Oh.. Enid, I'm sorry." Wednesday said as she got up to hug her. "No Wednesday it's alright!" Enid said happily. "I literally get to be there alone and do whatever!!" She exclaimed. Wednesday thought of something. What if Wednesday had Enid come to her house for the break?

Wednesday sat in he chair. It was getting really late and Enid was now sound asleep. Wednesday looked at the clock, it was 1 am. Wednesday shut her eyes and then went to sleep. She had strange dreams. But shook them away.

Wednesday woke up to see Enid still asleep. It was now 8 am, the time they were able to leave. A doctor walked in and Wednesday woke up Enid. "You guys may leave now." He said as he gave Wednesday papers. "Just sign the release papers and we'll let you out." He said, handing Wednesday the papers. She signed them and gave them back to him. Wednesday helped Enid up and saw Principal Weems who came to pick them up. "Thank you Weems." Wednesday said as she smiled. Weems just nodded and admired Wednesdays smile.

They entered Nevermore and everyone crowded them. Wednesday told everyone to stand back and they all did. Enid and Wednesday arrived at their dorms. "I missed my bed!!" Enid said as she plopped on her bed. "Can we take a nappp??" Enid said as she sat up and looked at Wednesday. Wednesday nodded and laid with Enid in Enids bed. Wednesday cuddled Enid. "I love you Enid." Wednesday said as she placed her hand on Enids cheek and kissed her. Enid kissed back and said "I love you too Wednesday, you're one of the best people I could ever ask to have met." She smiled. Wednesday fell asleep first and then Enid fell asleep.

Enid woke up first and checked the time on her phone. It was 11 am now. She decided to shower. She undressed herself and looked at her wounds, they weren't properly healed and she knows that they'll leave a scar. She also looked at the scar on her face from the previous fight with Tyler. She sighed and got into the shower. Enid took about 25 minutes in the shower then got out, dried off, and got dressed.

She walked out of the bathroom to see Wednesday still asleep. She went over to wake her up. "Wednesday wake up." Enid said. "The winter break is tomorrow and we should start packing so we can go do something today." Enid said as she shook Wednesday. Wednesday got up and texted someone. Wednesday peeked over and saw it was her mother. "Whatcha doing??" Enid said as she smirked. "Pack your things too." Wednesday said as she smiled at Enid. "What? Why??" Enid said as she looked confused.

"My mother is letting you stay with us for winter break." Wednesday said as she hugged Enid by the waist. Enid hugged Wednesday back, then pulled away to pack her things. "Can we go get coffee with Divina and Yoko just for today?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded and then they both got dressed. They met Divina and Yoko and they sat at Wednesdays favorite booth. "So, Enid how're you feeling?" Yoko asked. "I'm feeling ok, I'll have a bunch of scars like the one on my face, but that's ok! It just means I put up a good fight!" She said. "How are you?" Enid asked Yoko. "I'm doing really well, thankfully the gash won't have that bad of a scar. It'll still be very noticeable but that's fine." She said.

Yoko looked at Wednesday. "How's my favorite gothic girl doing?" Yoko asked as she smiled at Wednesday. Wednesday knew that her and Yoko were really good friends and that they cared for each other greatly. "I'm uh- I'm doing good." She choked out. "Well, how are you, siren girl?" Wednesday asked Divina. "Heh cool nickname! Well anyway, I'm doing pretty well. I've been looking after Yoko for the past week and making sure she's healed correctly." She said as she smiled.

"That's great and all, but me and Wednesday should probably go now, Wednesday still has to get packed!" Enid said as she winked at Wednesday. "Well goodbye you two." Yoko said as she hugged Wednesday and Enid. Enid hugged back but Wednesday didn't pull away and accepted it. They walked back to their dorms. "I'm giving you time to write!" Enid said as she smiled. Wednesday hasn't had time to write in awhile now. "Oh thank you Enid.." Wednesday said as she blushed.

The black cat entered the room in human form. "I never got to properly introduce myself, I am Inc!" He said. "Well, it's nice we know your name now." Wednesday said as she was writing. Wednesday finished typing and got up to go to Enid. She sat on Enids bed with her. "Are you glad you don't have to stay here again?" Wednesday said as she smiled at Enid. "Yes, all thanks to you!" Enid said as she kissed Wednesday softly. Wednesday blushed at this but kissed back.

Inc and Thing were just watching them, Thing was by now used to watching them be all touchy with each other. Wednesdays parents arrived and greeted Wednesday and Enid. "Hello my little storm cloud, it looks like this girl is the key to your heart." Gomez said. "Come in my dears." Morticia said as she led Wednesday and Enid in the limo.

-I haven't slept and wanted to finish writing this, I know it's super long but I didn't know where to stop it at lol.

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