Sometimes, life thrusts you into things, you do not expect, dragging you along the awful tracks it runs along, for what feels like eternity and back, refusing to inform you of your destination, tormenting you as it scoops you up in an almost loving embrace only to drop you into something worse.
This had happened to Afriel many a time, as he strolled the gardens of Edan, guarding the gates of heaven so gracefully, planted with plants that, the human mind could not even fathom, so beyond the minds they had been given. He was not returning to heaven though, oh no, quite the far opposite. The angel was leaving, to begin his assigned mission once more, dutiful to god's hands, the white and gold limbs, that curled around his own, keeping to him, no matter what he did. Two wings gently flapped where his ears would have been, skin pale and his eyes covered. His hair flowed behind him yet, remained tied up with a gold clasp as he adjusted his robes carefully, wings unsettling in an anxious wait for his task, what he would be devoted to, for the.. well, he hoped for the rest of his time in service.
He was graceful in his steps down form heaven, the clouds a cushioned runway beneath him as he descended, hidden by god's grace and the ever gentle rays of sun, sunlight that ran and danced, sparing no darkness in its wake, as any angel should do. Wind whistled past him as, his feet gently set on the ground, the grass gracing, just between his toes, an uplifting feeling, to be allowed to visit his master's creation, a work of art in the nothingness of the universe. He admired it, oh so much, the beauty captured into one place that, was sadly, now, being ruined by humans, god's favourite race as some angels stated.
Afriel did not believe humans had won god's favour, nor did he believe anyone could. His lord treated all with respect, even the snivelling demons that dared defy him, that tried to thrash against the grain of order, instead, placed into Hell. This was justified by, the fact, it was where they were meant to be, where the demons were safer. This guardian angel, took this of course, understanding that the one he served, the one his voice praised, his body worked for and his wings flapped in honour of, knew what he was doing.
God's plans were ineffable. That was one of the first angel rules, never to question that of the master's will, how his plans work, a rule that, Afriel obeyed very strongly, ever refraining from sin or, disrespecting his creator, his ever loving, omnibenevolent creator.
He now, looked around, waiting for, the gold dangling beads on his crown to point the way, to grant him the knowledge of where his mortal was, the one, he was now bound to, drawn to. This was his purpose, the thing that made him whole, like a sailor to the angelic sea, a beautiful creature, with no reigns, ever moving and fast paced, much like the life of a guardian angel, ever following the waves of another, the moving commands of that which he was not able to disobey nor, ever want to disobey.
Once the gentle drops of gold directed themselves, kisses from god as the angels called them, he followed them as a sniffer dog tracks a scent or, a stray follows a family, hoping for respite and any scraps of kindness they will try to offer. People say an angel's devotion is that to be rivalled and, they're not wrong in a sense but, even the beaten down dogs, left homeless, scrounge around for titbits of affection from owners who would rather see them dead.
His wings catch the breeze ever so slightly, as a feather or two falls grace to the sidewalk, almost shrinking in size, to match that of a baby bird's feather, for some child to pick up and cradle with their tiny hands, so delicate and gifted with god's love. He almost finds it comforting to have another keep hold of his feathers, like a treasure that only pre-adolescent eyes can seem to find. That's why he likes children, having always felt a draw to their kind nature, their sweet smiles and their usually loving words. Most guardian angels are drawn to them, so innocent and pure, gentle little creatures.
So, he walks the pavements, waiting until the figure he has been following nears, a shadow against the horizon of the street currently and one, he can't wait to meet. Well, not directly meet. Guardian angels are there to be invisible shields, to protect a soul God deems important enough, from the writhing claws of evil, tendrils of corruption ever edging closer and closer. When he reaches the figure, he takes his time in looking them over, analysing them ever carefully, head ever so slightly tilted. Humans are curious by nature, with their arts, their music, their plays. He enjoys the more creative aspects of human nature, and would rather avoid the war, the violence, the death with a steady hand, like the wind across the land.
The person is, in fact, a young girl, around 20 or so, with a pair of glasses on a slightly crooked nose, slopping before pointing at the end, speckled with dark freckles. Her hair is long, a soft brown, tinted with strands of blonde, old bottle dye, she had now discarded, her hands carefully and almost cautiously around a book in her arms, a bag upon her back. Her lips are full and rosy, softly graceful upon her face. Her eyes are green, sparkling and shining, like little gemstones, one hopes to find in the sandbox as a child, always seemingly looking around as her ears are filled with music, a delightful band, mixed between indie and pop. She seemed sweet upon first glance, as he now, walked behind her, smiling himself.
He hoped this time would be different that, this shot would be better. He dearly, oh so dearly hoped, this girl, educated and wise on the world would be protected under his white, flapping wings, pearly in colour. He would protect her, like a guardian angel, his job and whole being in fact.
He was created for this and would no longer shy away, but, embrace with open wings and arms, the responsibility of his service to god, his creator and life long ruler. Some may see God as cruel but, God was wise. Actions were for reasons and suffering was only a test of faith. When he suffered, it was only a test of faith at the loving hands of God. He had them, wore them like shackles upon his body and forever would. They guided him to his correct path and enlightened him to. Why would he dare disobey that who controls all.
The thing is.. He wouldn't.
* +{ A Song Bird's Tomb }+ *
FantasyAn guardian angel devoted to fault, unable to see the cruelty of that which created him, blinded by the lord's hands and unable to leave his grip. He sees nothing wrong with the punishments that befall him for his failure, for considering to stray f...