Chapter Three - Could You Be More Embarrassing?

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Omg, if anyone is actually still following this story I actually cannot thank you enough! I'm so sorry for my absence life has been completely and utterly mental the last month or so, but if you're still reading then... I honestly don't have the words required to express my gratitude. I love you all so much and can't thank you enough for the reads, upvotes and comments. You guys are my motivation and my inspiration xx

Dan is waiting in the ever-expanding Starbucks queue, and messing around with his phone. It isn't immediately obvious to you whether he's playing a game, scrolling through social media or texting someone. You can't help but wonder who he would be texting: Phil... his mum... his girlfriend...

Does Dan have a girlfriend?

The thought comes unbidden into your mind, and your heart rate speeds, though you wish it didn't. It's not like you have a crush on Dan or anything; hell you've only known him for about ten minutes, that would be utterly ridiculous. Still, you can't help your curiosity and, you mean, he's pretty damn cute. 

He's tall - about 6'3 you'd say - and not particularly muscular, but it's not like you mind. He's wearing tight black jeans and a black shirt with a white circle in the centre of it. Presently, he's grinning down at his phone and you admire the dimples that form on his cheeks when he does.

Suddenly, he looks up from his phone and does a double take upon noticing you staring at him. You wince slightly, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Dan, however, continues to surprise you; he smiles genuinely, almost shyly, back at you, before ducking his head to once again study his phone.

What the - ?

The queue moves forwards at snail's pace, though Dan's almost at the front now. You desperately wish Ali and Phil were here, at least then you'd be less likely to die of embarrassment.

You grab your phone off of the table, just as, out the corner of your eye, you notice Dan ordering your drinks from the busty, redheaded barista. You quickly type out a message:

Hurry up, Ali! Seriously... I'm freaking out and about to die of embarrassment.

Against your better judgement you send another text, seconds later:

Why didn't you warn me he's attractive?!

You place your phone face up on the table in front of you, just as Dan reappears holding your drinks.

"One Peppermint Hot Chocolate for the lady", he grins, placing your drink down in front of you.

"Thanks, Dan", you smile back at him and he takes the seat opposite you, sipping his Caramel Macchiato. You mirror his actions, and try not to think about your sweaty palms or the fact that your stomach is in turmoil from all that abnormal butterfly activity.

"This drink isn't really as spectacular as I assumed it would be", he jokes.

"Starbucks is pretty damn pretentious", you agree with a nod, "But, it's an undeniably good place for people watching"

"People watching?", Dan asks, confusion written all over his handsome face.

"You've never people watched before?", you ask incredulously, placing your drink down as Dan shakes his head. "Seriously?"

"Never have I ever people watched", he declares with a laugh, he also places his drink on the table and leans back slightly in his chair, as if to get a better look at you, "I don't even know what it is"

"It's so awesome!", you say, ignoring his look, "It's like when you're in a public place, for example here, and you just observe everyone and make comments about what you think they're like and what their life is like..."

You trail off, and rub the back of your neck with your hand, fighting a blush. Dan still hasn't said anything, though he's staring at you kind of weirdly...

Of course he's staring at you weirdly, you mentally chastise yourself, Why had it only occurred to you right then how creepy and childish people watching was?

"... actually it's kind of lame", you shrug lightly and force a smile, as you grab your drink off the table and take a massive swig. It's hot as hell and absolutely scalding your mouth!

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god!

"Really?", Dan grins at you, obliviously to your extreme pain, "It thought it sounded cool. And, sorry for staring, you just looked... really cute... when you were talking about it and I...", he smiled though averted his gaze, pink patches staining his cheeks.

You're heart skips a beat and all is well until.... Without warning your mouth opens of its own accord and you spit the still boiling hot Peppermint Hot Chocolate all over the crotch of Dan's black skinny jeans. He shouts in surprise and possibly pain - you aren't exactly sure - and begins flailing around trying to rid himself of the beverage. You're desperately yelling strangled apologies as you grab a wad of napkins and dab at his crotch, while the snooty Starbucks regulars turn up their noses or laugh at the chaos.

And then you start to cry. 

So... yeah. Hopefully you enjoyed Chapter Three and if you have please, please, please upvote! As per usual, let me know your thoughts - positive or negative - in the comments, cause it really does motivate me and helps me to grow as a writer. I will be updating more regularly now (hopefully) so stay tuned! All my love xx

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