Chapter Nine - A Kaleidoscope Of Butterflies

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Happy Easter everyone! Pure wholesomeness ahead - enjoy the fluff x

You can't sleep. And you know exactly why. Bloody Dan Howell.

Your numerous extremely cringe worthy run-ins with him in the past couple hours replay in your head on repeat giving you no reprieve. You roll over onto your stomach and scream silently into your pillow for a few seconds, before figuring you have better uses for your time and logging into Tumblr on your phone. However, soon the ridiculous night bloggers begin to annoy you and you decide to get up and get a hot drink.

As you make your way to the kitchen you notice Dan sitting on the couch in the dark, his face and figure only illuminated by the screen of his phone and the yellowing lamp on the mantle . Unwilling to face him you try to sneak back to your room, but he hears your footsteps and it's too late to back out. You suppose you're going to have to face him sooner or later.

"Hi", you say shyly, wrapping your arms around yourself.

"Hey." In the half light you see his lopsided smile, dimples sticking out, as he offers you a mug of hot chocolate, "I was going to bring this in, but since you're here now..."

"Is this for me?"

"Consider it a 'sorry for scaring you so much you dropped your towel' present"

His smirk makes you blush, and you're hoping beyond hope that he doesn't notice. You take a sip and let out a content sigh, "Mmm, this is perfect. Is there mint in here?

"Yeah, I remembered from the day at the café"

You nod affirmatively as you feel a kaleidoscope of butterflies take flight in your stomach. There are a couple of beats of silence as you try to regain your composure.

"You have a very high pitched scream, Dan", you comment in what you hope is a nonchalant voice.

He laughs self-deprecatingly, then pats the couch next to him. "Want to sit, or are you on the move again?"

You take a deep breath, rationalising the fact that you have nothing to lose. "I'll sit", you smile and fold yourself onto the couch next to him, making sure not to sit too close.

"Anyway, about my scream", Dan cradles his mug, "I was actually terrified. I have played way too many creepy videogames with Phil and my mind just went to another dimension..."

"Do I look like a demonic zombie to you, do I?", you gasp, mock offended.

"I couldn't see you properly", he defends, before a grin spreads over his face. "Plus, you know that's not what I think of you, (Y/N). I can't say it now though, otherwise you'll spill your drink all over me again"

"Don't", you shake your head, trying, and failing, to supress your nervous laughter. "Don't even talk about that..."

"Aw why not?", he teases, knocking his shoulder against yours.

"We always end up in the most awkward situations"

Dan drains his mug, and places it on the coffee table just in front of him, "I know, right?"

You mirror his last action and lean back into the couch so that your shoulders are touching. Instead of voicing the myriad of emotions that're making your heart pounds and your hands almost inhumanly sweaty, you simply yawn.

"So tired", you say, rubbing your eyes.

Dan smiles softly and moves to get up, "I'll let you go"

"No, no it's okay"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Plus, you might get attacked by a demonic videogame zombie on the way back to the guest room", you giggle, "And I don't think I could be bothered to save you"

"I feel like I should be offended", Dan says settling back into his spot.

"Maybe you should be", you smile cheekily, and after several moments deliberation you gingerly rest your head on his shoulder. You stay like that for a moment, comforted by the feeling of the rise and fall of Dan's chest, though desperately trying to ignore the almost immediate ache in your neck from your awkward position.

"That's not really comfortable, is it?", Dan whispers.

"No", you confess.

"Lean forward", he says. You do and he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you in close to him. Bashfulness colours his voice as he meekly asks, "Better?"

"Better", you affirm, and the smile only leaves your lips as you slip into a deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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