𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15

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Meanwhile, on the Earth Rick and Morty C-137 left, a huge blob roamed the streets, occasionally accidentally rolling over humans or even a animal here and there, his wife and daughter along with hundreds of other people deteriorating inside of him as he grew in size...poor Jerry, all alone in this nightmare.

A net fell onto him, solidifying his blobish texture into one that cannot fall out of the holes in the net. A golden ship lifted him up into the air before portaling to another dimension.

Jerry harshly fell to the ground as the net released him, Morty stepped out of the golden ship.

"Moorrtyyy, I kneewww youu wouldn't leaavee yourrr daddd!" Jerry exclaimed excitedly, jiggling like a huge pile of cotton candy jelly.

Morty sneered in annoyance. No wonder he left his family and killed his Rick they're all idiots,he thought to himself.

"Shut the fuck up! You're not my dad! Before you comment on that, Jerry, I'm not your Morty." He stated before grinning up at the monster.

𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝚅𝚒𝚎𝚠:

"Morty! W-we gotta check that huge fucking blob thing out! " Rick yelled, running up the stairs.

"What? What're you talk-talking about?" I asked, curiously watching him as he put the TV on, switching it to the news channel.

I did a double check after thinking that it was the movie about The Blob from the 19-somethings.

"What the fu-" I was about to say, but the blob turned around, a pathetic sound escaping it's mouth, I looked over to Rick who's mouth hung open as he eyed me.

"Dad" "Jerry" me and Rick said at the same time.

Me and Rick rushed to the ship, starting it up and flying to the huge blob. After we parked the ship and got out we saw another spaceship... Evil Morty.

" Rick, yooouuu haavee to heellpp mee. " Jerry wobbled closer... More like rolled.

" What the fuck'd you do, Jerry?! " Rick shouted.

Suddenly a ray shot past us, turning my dad into a huge boulder... We turned around.

" I call this the Medusa ray. " Evil Morty laughed.

He grabbed another gun, shooting the huge rock behind us. It started cracking, pieces tumbling down.

" Run! " Rick exclaimed.

Before I could run a huge ass rock fell onto my leg, breaking it. As I looked up I saw a piece heading for my upper body... I'm gonna die today.

I was suddenly being carried by Rick as he ran to the ship... How'd he get me out of there?

The ship bolted to the house and Rick carried me in, putting me down on the couch, a deep sorrowful frown on his face.

" House, activate protection sequence . " He commanded and the house went on lockdown.

He walked over to me, looking at my pulsating leg before staring at me and going to the garage, coming back with broken leg serun.

He injected me with the serum and my leg was fixed within seconds. He threw the empty injector on the table.

"Adventures are done! We're... You're never going on one again, ever!" Rick growled.

"Oh, c'mon, R-Rick! Nothing serious happened! My legs f-fine." I said, sitting up and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"No, Morty!" He yelled.

"Why? Why are you being li-like this?!" I shouted back.

"Because YOU DIED, MORTY! I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOUR DEATH AGAIN! TH-THE REAL MORTY DIED THREE DAYS AGO! I C-CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN, MORTY, EVEN IF YOU ARE A FUCKING CLONE!" Rick yelled, almost in my face as he grabbed my shirt,tears welling in his eyes.

My heart beating harshly in my chest.

"I-I'm d-dead? I thought I w-was a clone before th-this." I muttered.

"No, you weren't... You died for the first time three days ago... I-I couldn't fucking save you." Rick growled before turning around and going upstairs, slamming his door shut.

I heard him throwing things around in his room as I sat back on the couch, processing everything that just happened.

Almost everyone in my family is dead, including me.

𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗲 | 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺(𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 3)[Choice 1]Where stories live. Discover now