Two-Face [Tier: B]

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One of Batman's greatest villains and most hurt ally at the same time, Two-Face can be described in one word; Duality. Still, I'm definitely gonna stretch it out for too long. Your welcome.

Harvey Dent was Gotham's DA and a huge influential member of the city, so much so that he was given the nickname "White Knight" by the public. He fought for justice. He arrested criminals. He fought to save Gotham from crime. He was a hero and was trusted even by Batman to some extent, which is a rare case. There are different versions of the tragic event that infamously scarred and drove Dent mad, but if you wanted to make a more connected rogues' gallery, I would suggest playing off of the version of Harvey Dent in the famous film The Dark Knight with actors Christian Bale and Heath Ledger, and director Chris Nolan. In this film, like just about everything else, Harvey Dent is interesting and fleshed out. He has a believable character arc and amazing traits. Don't completely copy off of the story already written, but play off of it a little for inspiration. For example, we wouldn't really need Rachel Dawes in Dent's story for him to become evil. I have a suggestion for a replacement but we will get to her soon.

There is an aspect of this version of Harvey Dent that should be seen in yours, however. So.ehow, in some way, Harvey Dent has to learn that the justice system and the injustice system is biased, unfair. Thus, unjust in his eyes. The only unbiased, fair thing is chaos. It randomly chooses people to affect, with no personal opinion whatsoever. Two-Face develops his signature habit of flipping his coin for this reason. A fair 50/50 chance of either order or chaos prevailing. He flips it for most of his decisions, and that's because the turmoil, the duality in him is too great for him to decide. He is biased, and he knows it. That's why he chooses to "free himself" of choice and flips the coin.

What does Two-Face think of Batman? First of all, let's discover his aspect of the NOBAT rule. Again, duality comes to play here. Two-Face was a powerfully influential advocate for justice who takes down crime and takes on a mantle of Gotham's ironclad hero. Who does that sound like? They are essentially reflections of each other with a few key differences. Two-Face was corrupted. It doesn't matter how too much(my preferred method is having the Joker do it), but he left his old life behind for chaos. The White Knight fell. The Dark Knight didn't. Two-Face's reaction to Batman can go two ways. On one hand, he may just think that Batman is wrong in his idealism and that choice is biased. He doesn't hate Batman, be he doesn't appreciate him either. He's basically a guy in the way. On the other hand, he might hate Batman for who he is or what Harvey thinks Batman did to him. In the latter case, I'd suggest making it so that he does hate Batman but he still flips his coin, not letting his bias take control of him and cloud judgement.

Two-Face is a crime boss, and a very big-time crime boss as well. He's very threatening and no one wants to cross him, except Batman of course. He may or may not have some hand-to-hand combat experience, and is a great shot with his dual pistols. His duality comes to play in his threat level as well, because he's very unpredictable. It's not even impossible for him to help the good guys, should the coin flip demand it.

Two-Face is an interesting villain as well as a dangerous one. He's been a long-time foe of Batman and a very entertaining character overall to see in action. However, he's not the only crime boss in the Rogues' Gallery roster.

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