{New senses}

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Owen woke up that morning hearing everything a lot louder than normal and still very cold but that wasn't important his hearing was he could hear his own heartbeat and even a acho's very Quietly that wasn't normal that's when Owen noticed he could smell the breakfast that acho was making for them so he tried to ignore all the noise he could hear now and change his clothes and goes down stairs greets acho and they go to eat breakfast together 'are you feeling better Owen? Acho ask's 'my instincts are still screaming at me but I ignore it but everything is a lot louder than normal tho' Owen said 'okay are your instincts the same as yesterday or are they different? Acho ask's him 'different but even worse than yesterday' Owen said 'how much worse? Acho ask's 'as in their saying everything is wrong with me and I need to Hide somewhere because humans are close to kill me' Owen said 'okey what are you plans for today? Acho ask's 'just working on the sever with apo and the lore stream tonight of course' Owen said 'okey just don't go outside today okey just what if you started to panic you will be taken by someone and if you tell them what your instincts are saying you will be be put in a insane asylum Owen do you understand that' acho said. Owen was surprised by that but it was true he had no way to prove it was true so they were just going to think he was crazy in his head. 'I understand that yea but we need Food because were almost out of food' Owen said 'okey I get groceries but you stay here inside' acho said and went upstairs to change out his pajama and Owen went upstairs to his room and turn on his pc and goes to to sit down in his chair he goes on discord to see Scott is in a call with bek he joins 'heyy how is everyone doing? Owen ask's 'I'm doing good how about you Owen? Scott said Owen think for a minute can he say the truth? Does he trusts them?. 'I'm doing fine just a little bit tired but that's normal' Owen lied 'I'm okay too btw' bek said and Owen and Scott laughed 'sorry bek good to know your okey too' Scott said and they just played some hypixel and yelled a lot after some time everyone leaves the call to do other things Owen say good bye and leaves the call and goes to do some work on the server for tonight's event on rats and apo comes to help too after everything was done Owen goes down stairs to Watch some YouTube on The tv when he hears the door bell he stands up too open op the door to see acho with 4 bags in his hands Owen grabs 2 bags and goes inside and puts the bags on the table and acho does the same and they go to sit on the couch and watch some YouTube together until acho starts to go make dinner for them acho got a lot of food because tomorrow bek Scott and Eloise were coming to visit and stay for two days Owen and acho already made everything ready for them. Acho was done with making dinner and him and Owen go too eat. After that they talked 'What are we going to do if my instincts take over If there here? Owen ask's 'I don't know to be honest but let hope that doesn't happen oke' acho said and that's when Owen noticed something on his hand it was light brown and look soft he ignored it and said 'I'm going to sleep acho good night' and he left the room And goes upstairs too his room he closed the door and just stared at his hands in shock small parts of fur was growing on his hands and was spreading all over his hands. {The transformation has begun}

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