Chapter 5 ¦ Stalker

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I could hear one of the people hum a hyper tune. I tried to breathe as quietly as possible and not shift around. I know this doesn't seem right, I should really go, but it would be way too awkward to get out of a tube right now. I really hope Mamoru doesn't call me right now. I heard a deep huff, an exhale. "What's wrong, Wakatoshi?" I heard a voice. I have no idea how to describe the voice, it was pretty normal in my view.

Such a shame I don't recognize the name. I think I heard it once or twice from Mamoru but I wasn't paying attention. I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of "Don't even try going near Ushijima Wakatoshi, he's way too cold, and he won't hesitate to push you out of his way with that steroid strength of his," or something like that.

But it's not like I'm standing in front of the guy, right? As long as they're not some sort of aliens with a sense of smell like a dog or something like that. Probably not. Hopefully. "I've found her." That deep voice sent shivers down my spine and I was trying so hard to contain my squeal. "Who?" That was confusion. Pure confusion at its finest I'd say. And another exhale from 'Wakatoshi' I'm guessing. 

"My soulmate." "Isn't that a good thing?" Even more confusion from the other one. "I haven't seen her in school, she doesn't know I'm her soulmate, she walks around with these... exposing shirts, everyone's going to know." The deep-voiced person just shot those words out like some sort of machine gun, I barely had time to keep up. I swear he just was speaking slowly. What happened? I have no idea.

"By everyone do you perhaps mean... the team?" "Yes, Tendō, the team." That was basically all I heard. My mind got abducted by my phone. I really didn't care about that boring talk, there wasn't much to listen to. I got back to social media and completely forgot about those guys who were right outside of where I was. Don't know about you, but my pjs were really starting to feel gloriously comfy. And so was this tube. All I need to sleep in it is a pillow or something. 

When I tell you I flinched so hard while drinking the remains of my coffee when I heard a thump right next to my ear, I didn't just flinch. 1. I was sipping on my coffee, still lying down. 2. I heard that damned knock like a gunshot. 3. I flinched so hard, I bumped my head on the top of the tube. 4. I started choking on my coffee. That's a whole ride.

I've been choking for the past few minutes, trying to regain my oxygen supply. Laying down wasn't helping. But the thing is when I choke, my head bobs up and down as if it were on a spring. It's way too annoying. If I tried to sit up at least a bit, my head would hit the top, then the bottom. And repeat that. I swear I'm not leaving without a concussion if someone doesn't pull me out this instant. 

I might as well not leave alive, seriously, what the hell are they doing? Are they just standing there and listening to me die? Lovely, at least I have witnesses. Even if they weren't the guys from earlier. It might have been a rock or something, I don't know. Yeah no, I don't think it was a rock. Just because I got pulled by my feet. Dropped right into the gravel. Thanks for pulling me out, but my ass hurts now. And I'm still choking. My head is still hitting the gravel. I could barely make out their features through my blurry vision and constantly bobbing head.

One was taller than the other one, and more muscular too. The shorter one had spiky red or pink or whatever shade of that hair and the other had short dark hair or something like that. They were just standing in front of me and watching me torture myself. Anyway, just a few seconds later, that shorter guy kneeled next to my side and lifted up my back so I would sit and he held me in place. That's definitely more helpful than standing with crossed arms like the guy in front of me. 

And I definitely didn't stop coughing. Oh, honey, it only got worse by the minute. Then the other guy walked behind me. "Let go." He demanded and I felt those slim hands leave my back and I slowly started leaning backward because of my head. And then I swear he broke my spine. I ended up face-planted in the gravel. I wasn't even going to try and lift myself up. At least I'm not going to die today. Maybe I will, I don't know, it was only 2 am. No idea what these guys are doing here at this time, but I mean... yeah. I'm also here.

So, I'm lying face down on the small rocks of the playground, right? Yeah, and there are 2 guys staring at my back. Now that's just overall uncomfortable as hell. And I wasn't going to be the first to make a move. Even if I might get killed. I mean, even if I did try moving, my spine would shatter on the spot. I'm sure of it. "So what should we do with-" "Wait." The two very different voices spoke. I can't pinpoint where they were coming from, but they were there. "So you're just going to wait until my back breaks?" I interrupted in a few minutes. "Your back won't break." "Wakatoshi you hit too hard!" I guess it was time to try moving.

I groaned and sat up, tiny rocks falling from my face as they left imprints. "I swear if my back cracks once I'm suing you." To that, I only got a single chuckle. I was now sitting like a toddler on the gravel. Then I heard my ringtone. I shot up faster than lightning, I swear I forgot about the guys and about my spine. I didn't even climb the tiny stairs, I just hopped up over the fence and dived straight into the tube. "Hello?" I didn't even look at the contact. "Where the hell are you?! We're searching all over the place!" "You didn't check the playground then." I yawned. "There's a playground?" "Yeah, right in between the house and my fav cafe. You didn't know? I thought you've been living here for about 6 years?" The line fell silent.

"I swear I'm walking to the cafe right now. And if there isn't a playground, I have no idea where you are and I'm not going to look for you." I put the call on speaker mode and got out of the tube. "Well, I accidentally became a stalker, so you have to take more responsibility." "What do you mean?! And why should I be responsible?" "Cause you're older and you didn't let me into the house." "Yeah, yeah, I did leave you locked outside but that doesn't mean you can go around stalking people!" "I was here first." The line fell silent again. "Are you even in the same prefecture?" "Yeah, last time I checked I was still in Sendai." "I'm not seeing any playground. Turn on your location." "Damn, you could've started with that you dumbass." "Hey, you didn't think of that as well, so that makes you the dumber dumbass." "In fact, I did. I was just seeing how long it would take you to figure out that I already had my location on the first minute of our call." "And you didn't think to tell me?" "It's fun teasing you!" If you were wondering, me and Mamoru had a tracker app just cause I like to wander off and get lost.

The two guys were still standing there. I put the call on mute and started speaking. "So who are you?" "Glad you asked, I'm Tendō Satori, call me whatever you like." I nodded and looked at the other guy who still had his lips shut and arms crossed around his chest. That was probably a sign for me to speak first. "Okayy, I'm L/n Y/n. You can call me Y/n, I don't mind. I was never really with these stupid honorifics anyway. Unless you make it clear that you want me to call you by your last name, I'm calling you by your first name." That got a smile from Satori. "Can I make you a nickname?" "Hell yeah." "How about dove?" "What made you think of that? Don't answer. It's already my nickname. Don't know how you guessed, but that's cool." It seems like I and Satori would get along much better than whoever that guy is. He looks so grumpy. So not fun.

"Ushijima." That was all he said. It was so out of the blue, I couldn't help but ask "What?". Satori sighed. "He wants you to call him Ushijima." The redhead sat next to me on the stairs. "Wakatoshi isn't much of a talker. I swear if his soulmate is as boring as him-" "Tendō, I can hear you." "Yeah, no shit Sherlock, you have ears." Satori bursted out laughing at my comment. Ushijima just stared at me with a blank expression. "Oh my, we have quite a joker here." Satori grinned at me. "OH MY LORD, I LOVE YOUR SMILE!" I couldn't help but take his face in my hands. "How did you do that? I swear you could make an UwU face." He looked shocked for a moment and then just laughed it off. 

It went just like that. I guess the big guy kept a grudge against me for listening in to their conversation which I didn't hear much of. So basically, I spent the next 30 minutes waiting for Mamoru with Satori. I swear we were like toddlers, so annoying. and Ushijima was just like a middle-aged mentally drained mother. "Finally! You went 40 minutes away from the house!" "40 minutes?! No way, you just can't navigate! I swear it was a 5-minute walk!" Mamoru shoved his phone with maps open in front of my face. "Hey Tendō, Ushijima." "You know these guys?" "Who doesn't, they're like one of the most popular people in school!" "Well, she didn't." "Sorry for this oversized hoe, she's going to be a transfer student." Ushijima nodded and Satori went crazy with the questions. "I bet she'll answer next time you see her, I have to take her home." "Don't act like I'm 5!" I said to Mamoru. "But you do act like a toddler." Ushijima interrupted. "And you-" "Hey! It's time to go home Y/n!" I groaned. My comeback was supposed to be awesome. But I guess my time had to be cut short and I was definitely tired right now that I wasn't with Satori. 

I guess that just gives going to a new school a plus. Would be two plusses if Ushijima wasn't such a grandfather.

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