Ch 8 - A Clear Day's Events

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Two days later, Alfred returns to school. Even the most severe injuries are completely healed.

He’s truly the future Hero. His frightening resilience is different from ordinary folks.

When Dil catches sight of him, he screams and runs off into the distance.

…Well, I think that’s better than the two of them quarreling.

That day was truly exhausting. In a lot of ways. However, now there’s someone who understands my situation and can help. Thanks to their backing, I feel like I’m gliding through the air, slowly rising into the sky. With this, my stress-induced chronic gastritis seems to have improved—

But it’s not completely gone yet.

Right now, it feels like there are knives stabbing into my stomach.

As I move to the intermediate magic technique classroom… No, it’s been happening since morning. Alfred’s eyes have been glued to my back all day. Moreover, he’s expressionless.

So scary! I can’t read his thoughts at all! But I’m too scared to ask so I can’t say anything!

Is this what they call “keeping someone in suspense?” and “On pins and needles?”

Anyway, because of all this stress, my stomach’s been killing me since morning.

I’m fed up. I want to go home already.

I sigh. The hallway leading to the building where the special class is held is empty. The three brats are taking the agriculture exam at the back of the school.

…So right now, it’s only me and Alfred here. He’s following right behind me.

So why, why is he following? Please move away from me! You’re too close! This strange distance is too unpleasant!

“…Hey,” says Alfred.

I manage to hold back from screaming. He finally said something. Because we’re heading to the same classroom, I can’t run away.


Behind me, Alfred leaves some space between us and opens his mouth to say, “You… The day before yesterday…”

“Oh… I went straight home that day! Seriously! Didn’t even visit the library!” I answer without pause, not turning back in the slightest. These are the lines I have prepared.

That’s right. I’ll keep saying “I went straight home the day before yesterday.” Insist on it no matter what. Luckily, there’s no evidence of where I was. And everything was taken care of.

There’s no one to tell Alfred the truth. It’s the perfect crime. Well, I didn’t actually commit a crime.

Alfred’s silent.

I wonder if he believes what I say. Well, he has no choice but to believe it. There’s no proof I was with him!

With this, everything will go back to normal—

He suddenly grabs my right arm.


His grip stops me in my tracks, my arm pulled back behind me.


He draws it close to his face and studies it, blue eyes unblinking. Tilts and rotates my arm. It seems like he’s searching for something.

“…Two days ago, well for a while now, I’ve been having a nightmare…” Alfred mutters, eyes lowered. “My memory of what happened the day before yesterday is still blurry. But… it was like I was dreaming the whole time… Or maybe I was awake… Which part was a dream and which was reality… I’m still not sure…”

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