Ch 15.5.3

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“Everyone will feel a deep envy towards you, the brightest star. Eternal loneliness will await you, will follow you until the end of your days. Oh, the torment. How horrible. How pitiful…”

Despite these words, she chuckled, shoulders shaking.

Then, she gripped her strangely twisted black cane, and lowered her eyes as she made a praying gesture.

The jet-black pupils peeking from her narrowed eyes were dim. Hazy. It were as if her soul had been transported to some distant place.

“Ahhh… What a truly horrible fate… Within two years, your karma will be set ablaze, burning and taking everything away from you… Of course, it will depend on your willpower… If you can endure it, then you will achieve supreme glory…”

“You… What are you saying!?”

I couldn’t help but take a step forward. Her words were becoming unbearable for me.

Yet the woman didn’t so much as flinch.

Her grip on her cane grew all the more forceful, words so soft and barely enunciated that I would have just missed them if I weren’t standing so close. “Oh my? How is this… ”

Prior to this, she had been expressionless, as if stuck in between reality and dream. Now she furrowed her brows.

After a while, the creases among her brows disappeared, and instead, her lips curved into a large smile.

“Hehe… Oh, how surprising. This is the first time I’ve seen this. It looks like he will change the future of your star…”


“…The goddess was filled with deep lament after trying yet failing to change your fate repeatedly. No, it should be this world’s fate… This time, it seems she placed another star by your side.”

“A star?”

“…This is… somewhat unusual… That little star was summoned from another distant universe. A small shooting star…”

“Shooting star?”

“Hehe, it’s quite interesting. The goddess threw in this little star into your life to accompany you, to illuminate your dark path. What a kind thing to do…”

The woman lifted her gaze. Stared me straight in the eye.

She once more appeared as if she were deep within a dream. But then, for the first time since we met, she gave me a gentle and affectionate smile.

“That little star thinks about your loneliness, afraid that you will be burned by your own flames. For this reason, it stays close to your side, and orbits around you. Such a gentle star…”

For some reason, Lian came to mind.

That boy is gentle, too gentle. I seriously worried for him.

“Because that little shooting star came from another universe, my star reading can’t discern its origins nor its destiny. Even so… I can still read this. That star is a star that doesn’t revolve…”

“A star that doesn’t revolve?”

“The stars in this universe will continuously revolve, forever and ever. However, because that shooting star came from another place, it is something that shouldn’t exist, the only star in this universe that won’t ever revolve. Therefore, once it leaves this universe, you won’t be able to find it again.. So please be careful. If you don’t want to lose this gentle little star, don’t let it burn out. Cherish it…”

Was she finally done, I wondered. Proof seemed to arrive in the form of the woman lowering the tip of her cane to the ground, bowing her lead wordlessly.

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