Ch 16.1 - Four Years and Two Weeks Later

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The year is drawing to a close.

Ornaments of every sort adorn the surrounding trees, the handiwork of the villagers. They remind me of the Christmas trees from my original world. Many people walk briskly through the roads, likely preparing for the New Year celebrations. At least, that’s my impression.

Just two more weeks and the new year will arrive.

But before that, there is still one more story event to complete.

The ’Fencing School Match’, a tournament using real swords, which will be our last lesson before graduation.

I make a fist pump inside my heart.

Finally. Finally I’ve reached this point.

I’ll be able to graduate next spring.

[tn content=”In order to keep winning against Alfred, I’ve been practising the sword under that stern tutor (That guy is definitely a sadist!) of mine. I’ve also been practicing hard in the magic department, so that I’ll beat Alfred as the top of the intermediate magic class. All this while fighting my incessant headache! Although I wish it’s not necessary to research techniques in magic negation and magic conservation to deal with Alfred, while studying and practising, it can’t be helped anyway”] I’m not sure if I translate this well, if someone more knowledgeable can correct my translations, it will be helpful… Original JP: これでもう俺はアルフレドに勝ち続けるため、多忙極まる合間を縫って、スパルタ教官の指導のもと剣術の練習を死にかけながらしたり(あいつ絶対Sだ間違いない)、魔法の術式中級の授業の成績であいつに抜かれない様、日夜頭痛と闘いながら、奴の魔法に押し負けないための打ち消し用術式や省エネ高威力の術式の研究と勉強と練習をしなくてもよくなるのだ![/tn].

I can’t slack off now. I need to keep pushing forward, to prepare for when that tragic night comes. I must increase my chances of survival.

However, this doesn’t mean I need to win the fencing tournament. I’m just trying to extend the period in which I’m still better than Alfred. Yeah. Thinking like this brings me relief.

The best thing about this event is that I can take it easy.

Because I just have to lose!

I only need to make it look convincing, and it’ll be done. No preparation required.

Since the fencing event will occur as a tournament, I’ll have to make it to the final round. But I’m not too worried about that. As long as I’m not careless, I should be fine.

On the other hand, the so-called swordsmanship of the other students is merely at the level of swinging swords for amusement.

Aside from Alfred and I, no one else has the spirit and ability to fight in tense battles where one small mistake can instantly decide victory and defeat. Just like in our matches. I can even bet all of my snacks today, the chocolate chip scone and royal flush tea.

Ahh, this sense of freedom is really nice.

But every time I think about the incoming event in two years, I’ll feel depressed. My stomach will hurt, and my heart will palpitate. That said, my plans are also progressing steadily. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Best of all, I’ve thought of a good idea.

I really want to scold myself silly for not thinking of it until now.

I should just hire the future hero!!

His ridiculous magic power and physical strength are begging to be put to use.

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