Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

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Excuse any mistakes and somewhat lengthy chapter ahead!


Whew the time has come. All of the constant stress and late nights led up to this moment.

I was up late last night studying for my Physics exam. I slept through my alarms and now I'm rushing to get to school. We're off to such a great start. Quickly, I washed up, threw on something comfortable, grabbed my bag and sprinted to my car. I pulled off and off to school I went. Was I nervous for this exam? Yes. Nervous is an understatement. But all I can do is try my best.

My heart was pounding steadily out of fear. I looked at my phone and scrolled down to my gospel playlist. Luckily to my surprise the song, It's Yours by Jekalyn Carr started playing through my speakers. I arrived at school just as the song was ending. I was pressed for time against the first period bell. I became a track star to Mr. Lewis class.


I was excited to see Dorinda in school today. I always am. I was gathering my books for first period when I spotted her in my view. She looked distracted, not like her usual self. I made a mental note to check on her later. I took one last look at her while she was running down the hall before heading to class. I moved from my locker heading towards English but was shortly greeted to the floor.

"Omg my god, Karen, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to see Dorinda standing over me.

"It's okay, don't stress it. But can you help me up?" I asked. Dorinda nods her head yes and slowly pulls me up from the floor.

"I'm trying to beat first period bell. I have my Physics exam today." Dorinda spoke.

"Omg, well you better go, we'll talk later. Good luck! You got this! You'll do fine." I said in an encouraging manner.

"Hey Karen? Could you do one other thing for me, before I go?" Dorinda shyly asked.

"Sure what is it?" I replied.

"Can you give me a good luck kiss? As a friend!" She asked while looking down at her feet nervously.

I giggled and kissed her on the cheek and said, "There, now hurry up to Mr. Lewis." Dorinda smiled brightly and continued her journey down the hall while I went inside Ms. King class.


I raced down the hall and was met by Mr. Lewis at the door.

"You're late, you barely made the cut. Don't let it happen again." Mr. Lewis said in a militant tone.

"Thank you and it won't happen again, I promise. I answered as I took the exam and found a seat next to Kenny and Drew.

"Good luck.." I mouthed to Greg and Drew.

I recited a small prayer and got to work on my exam.

45 minutes later..

"Alright times up, everyone hand in their exams. I will now grade the exams and give you your grade at the end of class." Mr. Lewis yelled.

Everyone returned their exams and Greg and Drew tapped me.

"Doe, how do you think you did on the exam?" They asked.

"I think I did okay. I had help preparing for the exam. Karen was helping me study all this week." I answered truthfully.

Greg and Drew looked at me. "Studying huh?" Drew said with a mischievous grin.

"Yes, that's all. Y'all should of followed in my footsteps." I spat out. Greg, Drew and I laughed.

"Well we did for your information, don't do us like that." Greg said in between laughs.

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