Uh oh.

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The car ride to my house was quiet. He just had his hand on my thigh and whenever he got the chance to he would look at me. I would pretend like I didn't notice but I did notice.

Once we arrived to my house I gave him a big hug and kiss. He looked sad once I was about to walk to in my house.

"Can you please come back for another sleepover?" He said

"Yes I promise we can have a sleepover soon." I said

"We could also invite Kevin." He suggested

"What if I want it to be just me and you?" I said

He turned red and just smiled. I looked at him drive away. Damn I already missed him so much. I'm probably gonna text him later.

"What happened to you." Said Gabriel

"Shit" I mumbled

I ran to my room to look at myself. Valentina landed some hits but I landed more hits on her. I was putting on foundation to cover up a bruise when I got a message from Kevin.


Y/n we should have a sleepover
at Diego's house!😛
                                                          Bett when?😜
                                             Kevin I just got home
                                                           I was at Diego's
                                                           KEVIN STOP

I was panicking because everyone would get the wrong idea. Plus my dad was in that groupchat since he was the coach. I got a notification from the groupchat and Kevin sent the screenshot.

Mas mejor equipo en el mundo🥱😻

MIRA TODOS😱😱😱 -Chismoso😒


Yo pensé que Y/n y Kevin
eran novios. - Chucky

Pinché Kevin chismoso vas a ver
Te voy a dar una chinga😒 -Diego🤭

Y/n me dijiste que estabas
con Joana😡 -Papa🙏
                                                    No estamos juntos
Vamos a celebrar a Y/n y a Diego
porque son novios- Nalgon Vega🍑

I was mad at Kevin for sending false information in the groupchat with MY DAD. As I was taking off my shoes so I could lay on my bed I heard rocks being thrown at my window.

I looked out the window to see Diego. I wanted him to come in my room without my dad knowing so we did the classic.

I grabbed a ladder and he climbed up into my window. I immediately hugged him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

It started from kissing to full on making out on my bed. I never wanted this to end and he didn't want it to end either. We both pulled away gasping for air and just stared at each other.

Someone walked in the room. It was my dad, He saw Diego on top of me with my hands wrapped around his neck.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE." My dad yelled.

My bad I didn't post a chapter earlier I got really lazy then I got motivation just right now😭 A little short chapter just for now🤗

507 words


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