Quieres Ser Mi Novia?

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Weeks Later

You guys were back in Mexico. You and Diego haven't been able to hangout a lot since he was figuring out what clubs wanted him and were he was going.

He would still find time to be with you. Like tonight you guys were gonna go out on a date. He said it was fancy so to where a dress. You had a couple dresses in mind already.

You were waiting for the time to pass by so you went to go hangout with Kevin since he wasn't busy today.

"KEVINNNNN" You yelled

"Y/NNNNNN" Kevin yelled

"VENNNNN" You yelled again


He came running up the stairs and already was out of breath. You looked at him weirdly and said.

"Kevin are you getting fat?" You sighed loudly


You went over to your closet to see the dresses you had in mind. You did process of elimination to pick your dresses until you were stuck again.

"Kevin which one"

"Whats the event?"

"Date with Diego"

"That one right there."

He choose the one that has most revealing skin. You just looked at him weird with the choice of Dress he made. He would usually want you to even cover up pero this time he didn't.

Hours Later

Luckily you got ready hours before because all you needed now was to put on your dress then you were good to go.

You grabbed the dress Kevin choose and put it on. You called in Kevin to help you zip up the zipper but he told you that you owed him 20 bucks after that.

Finally you were ready to go on your date with Diego. All you were waiting for was for Diegos message that he was outside.

Once he texted you that he was outside you heard a door bell.

You ran downstairs to get the door and opened it to Diego with a bouquet of flowers.

"Para ti hermosa" He told you as he handed them to you

You looked at them and smiled. Then you went to go set them down on the counter top.

"Lets go" He told you

He opened the door for you like he would do. Then after you guys were on your way to the restaurant.

He put his hand on your thigh while driving to the restaurant. You looked over at him and admired all of his features.

His sharp jawline, his perfect nose, nice pink plumped lips, and his eyes. That was your favorite part about him. His eyes were so beautiful especially under sunlight.

You guys were passing by a park and saw how beautiful it was outside. If you were being honest you would rather go the park with Diego.

"Y si mejor vamos al parque?" You told him

"Amor i'm wearing a suit" He looked at you confused

"Its okay Diego its not like anyone is gonna see."

"Pero theres not even food there" Diego parked on the side of the road and focused on you

"i guess" you said as you looked over at the window

Diego found a better parking spot then he got out of the car. You looked at him confused because you thought he didnt want to come to the park.

He opened the door for you and grabbed your hand. You guys started running to a spot Diego wanted to take you.

Where he took you was beautiful. You could see the sunset and there was really pretty flowers around the place.

"How many other bitches have you brought here?" You asked

"Your the first one." He whispered has he grabbed you by the waist admiring you.

"Y/n we have had our ups and downs but we always find ourselves coming back to each other. I don't wanna lose you again. That week was hell or however long we broke up for. Those were definitely the worst moments of my life."

"Diego I-" You were about to say

"Y/n Quieres Ser Mi Novia?" He asked

A/n: Bro Im slowly giving up on this book. The Kevin book it so easy for me to write its not like this one😓 But ima continue this ofc also sorry if this seemed rush im writing this while falling asleep slowly😈

722 Words

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