the ladder

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so i cryed and i screamed and i danced with medals that tore through the seems
and i was so tired, so lost, so broken
that I caved under pressures my eyes  refused to see

I wished to make time into space and be forgotten without a trace
as each medal of greatness broke more demons out of stasis
till any string of pain strained the last few ropes i gripped to keep myself sane

then there were only 3 answers, and 2 were expected
but 1, though better, could not be accepted
so strain and knot to turn rope into cot  then raise a barrel to a new set of terrell

be not strung from tethers, but bound to ladders of matter you cannot yet see,
but which you can find a way to be
fight to climb, cry to breath and let the rope form a weave
move slowly onwards, as if building new lungs
and guide your soul to the next rung

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