EX0-1: Future-Past/Failure.

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Kay Loren was fuming.

No, fuming would be an understatement on how he felt right now.

"HOW. DID. ARHAT SHIYOON TOOK 150 AND A.MINA 20 SINGLES!?" he despaired upon himself as he stared at his screen, showing Awakened Yoo Mina.

No matter, atleast that's 2/3 now. Kay thought as he proceeded to upgrade the newly acquired Unit to a decent state until he have more resources. Playing CounterSide for the first time amazed the 20 years old Male and let him relax from the long stressful day of being a cashier at a gas station in a remote area of California.

"Hey atleast it pays..." He murmured before he heard the bell rang, indicating that there's a customer. He placed the phone below the table, and looked ahead.

He immediately regret saying his previous sentence, the cause is two armed men with ski mask, and one of them is holding a shotgun.

"Hello, how can I help you today good sirs?!" He asked as he desperately tries to keep his rapidly beating heart calm.

Shotgun boy snorted at his humour while the other one holding a presumably a knife shook their head.

"Money please." Shotgun boy played along as he pointed at the cash register. He noticed that he doesn't have his finger in the trigger, indicating that the guy have some discipline.

"Ooookay, hopefully that's all and I can live another day, yes?" Kay asked. "Also, I'm very thankful you actually have some trigger discipline dude, don't want to do a accidental discharge now do we?" He pointed out.

Shotgun Boy nodded while Knife Galore grabbed a cup noodle. Knife tapped Shotty and pointed at it.

"Yeah, you're free to take that, as much as I want to make you pay for it, being held in gunpoint doesn't make it viable." He commented as he took out all of the cash and placed them inside a plastic bag and handed them to Knify who caught it and looked inside, Shotty pointed the shotgun down, and peeked aswell.

"And yes, before you ask, that's literally what we have right now, as this convenience store is in bumfuck out of nowhere, we don't usually have that much customer." Kay shrugged, as both robbers nodded, they were leaving when another set of presumably up to no good comes in, this time it's 3 of them and they all have some nasty melee weapon in form of a crowbar, a baseball bar, and a wrench.

"TIS A ROBBERY, GIVE ME ALL YA MONEY" The presumably leader demanded in a fake Aussie accent.

Kay wonders for a moment if this is bad luck catching him for getting Yoo Mina in 20.

Kay and Shotgun looked at each other, and a alliance is born. He turned around and fired at the robbers while Kay triggered the alarm, took his phone, and a baseball bat. He immediately ran to the side and waited until he spotted Crowbar panicking from the shotgun.

Kay swung the bat in full forced at his arm, making him drop the crowbar. The nameless robber is now crying in pain, before he kicked him.

Another bang from the shotgun indicated that Shotgun is occupied with another one.

Kay heard a wet gurgle behind me and saw poor wrench is bleeding in his back, seven stab wounds, and Knife standing over him, a bloody knife at their hand.

"Holy shit, kid." Kay swore, earning a glare from the knife user. "Didn't have to do that to the poor SOB."

Knife only pointed at Crowbar man with a dislocated shoulder, oops.

Another Shotgun blast and now the employee and the stabber looked to see...

Shotty is downed, with the other one picking up the shotgun.

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