EX0-3:A VeryVERY familiar face.

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They got dropped off in a construction site, or atleast what looks like was, it's filled with CO's that you'd think they destroyed the place instead.

Kay's annoyance grew, seeing the amount of CO's noticing them.

"So, who's idea was it that we face them head-on instead of doing stealth?" He complained, smacking a CO with the sheathed sword he's carrying. Hilde asked him to not carry his weapon case around, much on his dismay.

Fortunately, the sword seems to know enough that it absorbed the weapon case and turned it into a silver-metallic sheath.

"It's better this way, that means you two Rookie can learn how to handle situation like this faster." Hilde explained as she slashed another one. "Mina, focus on those heavy armored CO!"

Mina grunted at Hilde's order but focused on firing at both the less-armored and Heavy armoured ones.

"Well, that's true I guess." Kay concedes as he proceeded to knock one CO into the air, and follow it up by jumping and smacking it back to the ground. The CO died a few seconds later, it's corpse disintegrating. Kay looked at Mina then noticed the Thorn Tower preparing to hit Mina. "Mina, 7 Oh-clock, tentacle!" He shouted.

Mina looked at the tower, and her eyes widened as the tower sends it's tentacle slap.

"Oops!" Luckily, Shiyoon is there to redirect it, before sending a sword wave with his katana. "Well that was close!" He says as he watched the tower groan and get stunned. "Well, while it's getting annoyed better hit it again I guess!" He says as he sped towards the tower, and sliced it with his dagger before returning at his original position, throwing the daggers up and catching it before hitting it again.

The tower got annoyed as it recovered.

"Well shit, it's mad." Kay says, sighing. He manipulated the threads around it and pulled it hard before it got sliced, Shiyoon looked at Kay with an raised eyebrows. Kay met his gaze then shrugged. "I blame my Counter power." He says as he looked towards Hilde and Mina, already done with their side.

"This is Fenrir Squad, we cleared the area but we didn't see anything." Hilde says through the communicator when she reached the two male counter. "Please double check the target location."

"The asset's location keeps changing, it looks like they're being chased by Corrupted Objects. I'll transmit their trajectory to the terminal, please continue searching along the path." A voice answered, making Hilde pause for a second.

"....Manager Kim Hana?" She asked. "Weren't you with the Managerial Department before? When did you transfer to Ops?"

"..." Kim Hana didn't answer. "Oh....um.... Please focus on the mission for now."

Hilde didn't answer immediately, most likely suspecting something. "....Roger."

The line went dead.

Kay was getting more irritated, he didn't have any mental rest yet, he just died, then got revived, then died and then revived with a different set of memories. He spaced out until he heard something.

"...3 kilometer away! Please confirm!" Hilde shouted through the communicator, hand in the hilt of her sword.

Kim Hana confirmed that it's possibly the VIP.

Shiyoon looked conflicted, most likely trying to avoid fighting, but he was ignored by Hilde.

"Mina! Re-confirm the CSE level!" Hilde barked, as she draws her swords.

Mina looked confused. "The Whaaaaaaat?"

Everyone looked at her.

"What are you waiting for!? .......You don't know how to check CSE level?" Hilde kept her cool, but Kay and Shiyoon knows she's annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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