EX0-2: Coffin

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Kay is currently fanboying inside his mind as they rode towards the CSE.

'Holy shit, they all look so awesome! Hilde looks so adorable, Shiyoon looks so fucking handsome and holy fuck the game is accurate on Mina's...size.' outwardly, he looks nervous, causing Shiyoon to look at him.

"Are you nervous, Rookie?" He asked, causing Kay to stop with his fanboy antics and look at him.

'Calm down, fanboy!' Kay said to himself before taking a deep breath to stabilise his mind.
"Perhaps, I'm not now." He says, eyes snapping towards his weapon box.

Kay wonders why is his counter counterpart wasn't using it to it's full potential, only to realise something is blocking him from doing so.

'Oh god, please don't tell me...' he realized, he was hoping it was just a coincidence that his weapon also have the colours of the Old Administration.

The woman who gave him his Counter Watch and his weapon was an unknown, but he suspects she was also similar to the woman during the beginning of Episode 1.

Kay decided it's time, and unlocked the weapon case, revealing a sword and gloves. He took the gloves and put them on before closing the weapon case again. The sword was a simple Wakizashi around 18'' long, with a elegant black and red scabbard. The gloves on the otherhand is a black carbon-fiber with a blue jewel on each of the pair.

Shiyoon got a peek inside and noticed the sword.

"Nice sword there, Rookie." Shiyoon commented.

Kay shrugged. "A gift given to me when I passed the exam. Not really the time to use it now tho." He says as they approach the ruined streets where the CSE is.

[BGM: Sound:Side Vol.1 "Coffin Company"]

Hilde stands up from her seat and went in front of the door. "We're dropping off here, don't stray too far." She says, Kay was sure that was meant for both of him and Mina, but more on the Wolf.

Shiyoon was behind Kay as he adjust his gloves.

The helicopter stops and slowly opens it's doors.
Once the door was open, Hilde jumped down followed by Mina and Kay.

Kay trusted his instincts as several bluewired spikes appeared behind him before surging forward, penetrating several small CO before landing gently.

Mina landed at a flipped over car while Hilde was already ahead of them, swatting and slicing several CO at the same time. Kay was pleasantly surprised at the ease she's doing, knowing from his memory that it was hard to keep track of them....well, that's before today.

"Spikes." He says as the 2 spike made out of glowing blue wire appeared again, his gloves jewel is glowing blue with lines running out of it around the gloves.

He starts to weave and dance as the spikes follows him. a slide to the left and the spike whipped past him to a vertical slice against the CO to his left, slide to the right immediately penetrates the CO to the right.

A CO got too close before being shot by Mina, who look annoyed at him.

"Uhh?" He can only says as the spikes went past Mina to a CO about to lunge at her. "Watch my back and I watch yours, deal?" He pointed out the dead CO embed into the ground.

But before Mina can even answer, Kay was off again making her eye twitch in annoyance.

Unbeknownst to Mina, They were being observed by some people. Kay knows what's up but pretended to be oblivious.

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