Chapter ten: Stop trying

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To give you a quick rundown, Wednesday I went back to my own house. I wanted to grab a few things but I wasn't expecting him to be there.

My dad was there. I don't know why he is still in town after he pulled that stunt with my mom but he was, all drunk and high. The house looked like a frat party. Beer cans, a fucking coke line. But I was the importance of his crazy mind. That was how we got to this point.

I'm coughing up blood, I can only see out of one eye and all I see is him standing above me with a smile on his face. "If you can clean yourself up that would be great then go up to bed." he snaps.

"I won't be here, I'm leaving after I get my stuff." I'm just so tired. I can't stand it. Let alone fight with this person I don't even know anymore. "What did you say?" He starts walking towards me. Shit.

"You heard me." I like to think more of myself as an instigator of these situations. That thought gets me smiling, which only makes him angrier. He grabs me by my throat and lifts me completely off the floor.

"You will stay here overnight, if you don't I will talk to my good friends they will mess you up completely." He is squeezing tighter and tighter on my neck. Black spots almost cloud my vision. "Don't smile like you are psychotic." He starts banging my head into the wall and squeezing harder. He starts laughing like I'm the psychotic one.

I'm clawing at his hands and he just won't let go. I try kicking and he just moves out of the way. Fuck. I can feel my throat closing and my lungs burning. "Just... Let... Go...." my voice is so horse I don't think it's inaudible.

He finally drops his hand. My hands go to my eye, then my throat. My lungs have never burned and felt full like this ever. "I want food in the morning, clean this up." He turns and walks away. I get a good look at the house there's broken glass, and the furniture is flipped.

"Oh..." He walks back downstairs and hands me an envelope. "This is for that stupid letter." and he punches me straight in my face. All I remember is feeling like I was floating and then hitting the ground.


I wake up to the sunrise the next morning. People usually say they have no idea what happened the night before, but I remember it all and I will never forget it.

I find the letter and I flip it over, It's from the school. I take the paper out and read the print.

Emilia Martinez-Castro you have missed a total of 37 days and 128 periods. We understand things might be going on at home, but we need parent validation of all these days and classes. If not you will be endangered of graduating. We want you to stop by our office sometime this week. If you fail to appear you will not graduate.

Our regards,
Eaton high staff.

This is great. Just amazing. I rip the paper to shreds, so small I can't even rip more even if I wanted to. That is when I think I can hear my heart crack. I hear it everywhere in the walls, in my head, I swear my body just cut in half.

The only thing that has ever gotten me through everything was making a better life for myself getting a scholarship and having a life. This letter was from last week, I'm done. My chance is over. I wasted everything, I took it all for granted I shouldn't be so goddamn selfish.

I pick myself off the floor and get new clothes on, covering everything I can.  It's 7 am when I leave the house. I won't be back again hopefully.

I make the long walk like I did all those times before. I'm the only thing that I can tell has changed.

After the long grueling walk I made it to Easton. I walk in right after the bell rang. Everyone is staring at me just fantastic.

I start walking with my head down when I get pulled into a janitor's closet. The light turns on and it's Elijah.

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