First Kiss

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When we arrived at the Great Hall Aurora kissed me on the cheek and walked towards the Slytherin table while I sat next to George and Lee and the Gryffindor table.

"We'll be taking that money now, Lee," George smirked. Lee groaned and handed George and I each five sickles. I pushed mine back towards Lee. "What's wrong, Freddie? We won. Why aren't you taking the money?" George asked.

"I'm not taking the money because I had a really good time and I want to see her again." George and Lee looked at each other and then looked at me.

"You must be barking mad, Fred. A Malfoy?" George questioned.

"She's a good person."

"Well, even if she is, her family isn't good. You're signing up for a whole mess of trouble," Lee interjected.

"I guess I'll deal with her family if we get that far. I don't want to hear anymore about this." George and Lee looked at each other again and we all ate silently.

The next day I found myself unable to focus on anything but Aurora. I kept staring at her at meals (which caused her to blush when we made eye contact) and I didn't even have the energy to pull pranks with George and Lee, let alone energy for homework. I had parchment and textbooks in front of me but it was just there for show. I was feeling like an ass for taking the bet, but I really did like Aurora and if it wasn't for the bet I probably wouldn't have asked her out. But I was feeling guilty about the whole thing. What would I tell her if things got serious? I decided to try and focus on the fact that our date went well and not on the original reason I asked her out. I dipped my quill in ink and tried my best to work on the assignments due the next day.

The next morning I was actually excited to go to potions so I could see Aurora. As I took my seat next to her I tried to say "good morning," but Aurora just stared off into space and didn't acknowledge me. It wasn't until I nudged her that she gave me a half-smile. I attempted to catch up with her after class but she ran off pretty fast. I kept getting nervous that she found out about the bet or suddenly decided she didn't like me. She all but confirmed my worst fears throughout the day by avoiding me. I finally cornered her after dinner before she headed back to the Slytherin common room.

"Hey, are you okay? You've seemed...I don't I guess," I said. She wouldn't look at me while I spoke. "Aurora, look at me." She turned her big green eyes up at me and I saw the tears welling up. I pulled her in and hugged her before asking what was wrong.

Aurora let go of me and wiped her eyes. "I received a letter from my father this morning. I guess Draco told him we went out and he's pretty mad about it. He told me he wants me to stop seeing you."


"Fred, I really like you, but he's kind, well, unpredictable I suppose. I'm worried he'll try and come after you, so I understand if you don't want to keep seeing each other."

"Aurora, I don't want to stop seeing you and if dealing with your father is a consequence of being with you then I'll happily deal with him."

She smiled but still looked unsettled. "If you're sure," she said.

"I'm sure, love." I looked down at her and pulled her waist towards me. Aurora turned bright red and leaned up towards my face. She smelled like vanilla and cinnamon and I breathed in her scent before reaching down to kiss her. When our lips touched I felt electrified. Her kiss was soft and sweet, and in that moment I knew I needed her in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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