The Enticing Woman

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 I wake up still half asleep and i feel like i could fall asleep again any second but then i hear talking, downstairs.I slowly get up and yawn while stretching my arms out wide. I walk over to a box and ravege  around for my dressing gown and slippers, finally i find them and put them on. On my way out of my room i grab my phone from the side table and walk quietly half way down the shiny stairs (my dad's house isn't that old). I hear my dad talking about something he was doing the other day (or that's what it sounded like anyway) but then i hear a strange womans voice, someone i dont recognise. 

Who is this person? And why's she flirting with my dad? 

I slowly walk back up the stairs, on the way up my phone vibrates from a message and i walk alittle quicker to shut out the sound so the people downstairs cant hear me. When i get to my room i put on the old uniform, that was still in one of the moving boxes and then i grab my bag, which has signitures from all of my friends written all over it in vivid.

I walk back downstairs, not so quiet this time. Im sure they can hear me and sure enough they stop talking just before i enter the room. As i enter my dad starts talking to me,

"Goodmorning, just grab some breakfast and what ever you want for lunch. You still have your dinner from last night in the fridge,"

"Im not hungry, i think im just gonna head straight to school. I have alot to catch up on and i bet my friends are missing me just as much as i mss them, soo bye."

Then i walked out the door and started on my way to school. I get my pink and black headphones out of my bag and plug them into my phone, I pick a song, that starts blasting music into my ears while i move my head to the beats. I close my eyes for a few secs and pretend that i still live with my mum and everything is perfect.. But then i walk into a pole, Ofcourse. 

I have plenty of time before school starts so i thought i would stop at the local shop to buy some lunch and maybe something to eat for breakfast. As i walk into the dairy i see Mrs Philips, she waves at my so i smile back politely. 

Oh no.

Mrs Philips starts to walk my way.

"Hi Hannah, how's your mum?" 

"Uhmm, she's good... "

I didnt really feel like talking about my mum just yet, so i kinda zoned out after that. But Mrs Philips didnt have much else to say except for her smart remarks about how Mr Philips attitude has been lately.

I just rememeber that i had a text, i look at it. But unfortunatly its just Vodafone saying that my texts are gonna run out in a few days, does no one care that ive moved? 

I grab some food for lunch but dont really feel like eating breakfast so i head on my way to school again. I look around and think how weird it is to be walking this way to school. When i lived with my mum i had to take a whole different way to get to school, because she lived on the otherside of town  but because i've lived in this town my whole life i know my way around.

I get to the old school gates. The school which has been newly painted looks so bare because not many of the buses have arived yet so not many people are standing around catching up after the holidays. I stand there for a few secs, then look at my phone. Its 7:36am, the school doesnt start untill 8:45.

And the wait begins..

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