Drinking ❀

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Mae-In closed the book and sighed in utter disappointment. The ending was terrible.

Beside Mae-In, Tae-Sak was sleeping soundly over her book. Having a silent atmosphere around must've made her sleepy.

Mae-In decided not to wake her up. She too was tired of sitting on a chair and staring at words for a long time. So she thought of taking a nap. But will she be able to sleep? The terrible ending of the story still bothered her.

After stretching her back, she headed towards her quarters. The stars were out and she didn't even take notice of that as she had been so busy with the book which ended up disappointing her.

But the story was great.

Thinking about the book, she was nearing her quarters when she bumped into a rushing figure.

The anxious-looking Princess Chae-Yeong was dressed in a simple dress, her hair in a braid and she had no trace of Royalty in her appearance. She was looking quite unrecognisable but Mae-In recognised her instantly.

"Good Evening, Your Highㅡ" Mae-In was about to greet her when she made a "shh" sound and silenced her quickly.

"What are you doing here?" the Princess whispered to her even though she was about to ask the same question.
"I was at the Royal Library. Why are you dressed like this, Your Highness?" Mae-In asked out of curiosity.

"Iㅡ I was going somewhere. Do you want to come?" the Princess asked her, hesitantly.

Mae-In's eyes suddenly lit up. "Yes, yes! Sure!" she exclaimed.

"But you have to change out of these clothes," said Princess Chae-Yeong. "Why? Is there a problem?" Mae-In looked at her dress.

"Your Highness, you will be in great trouble if they find out you are out of the Palace without permission. Change into plain clothes like me," she directed her.

"Okay! Just wait for me outside the east back door of Gyeongchunjeon!" Mae-In said and ran towards her room, giggling. On her way, she met an angry Court Lady Jin-Hee, who was shouting at a maid.

The lady immediately spotted her and bowed her head low. Mae-In cleared her throat and began, "Good evening, Court Lady Jin-Hee. I was in the library for a long time and now, I am tired. I am going to take a nap. I would request you to not bother me. Tell the others too."

"Sure, Your Highness," Court Lady Jin-Hee gave a short response and moved away from Mae-In with her juniors.

Mae-In entered her room, closed the door and ran to her dressing room, looking for the clothes she brought from her house. Finally, she put on a plum hanbok.

She took out the elaborate hairpins from her hairdo and stuck a simple binyeo in her bun. Then, she hid two pillows under the blanket to create an illusion of her sleeping. Slowly and quietly, she sneaked out of her room and made her way towards the back door of her quarters where the Princess was waiting for her.

"Let's go, Your Highness!" Mae-In jumped up in excitement once she met with the Princess.

"Listen, don't tell anybody about this, okay, Your Highness?" Princess Chae-Yeong told her. "Oh, and don't address me as a Royal... Just think of me as your sister," she warned her.
Mae-In nodded and they started walking out of the Palace complex.

The market after the sunset looked even more lively and warm. Lanterns hung from shops and poles and the evening breeze welcomed them.

Mae-In was truly enjoying the atmosphere of the market. She turned to the Princess. "Yourㅡ I mean Eonnie, where are we headed to?" she asked.
"We are almost here..." said Princess Chae-Yeong, a broad smile across her face.

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