Going Home

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Happy New Year's Eve Everyone! Thank you for all your support, reads, votes and comments this year, I really do appreciate it.

I know my writing has been all over the place but I hope to get a more steady writing schedule in the New Year even if it means only posting once a week. You will of course have an update tomorrow too.


Rami gave Azalea and Lilliana a lift to the airport the day after Uni broke up for Christmas. Azalea stands to the side giving the couple a moment.

"I'll see you when we come back," Lilliana hugs Rami tightly trying to gain some comfort.

Doing something neither of them has had the guts to do till now, Rami kisses her square on the lips, "I'll pick you both up when your flight gets in."

"Thank you," Lilliana takes another leap of faith, "I love you."

Grinning, Rami kisses her again, "I love you too."

A tannoy announcement calls for passengers to board the plane and Lilliana pulls away following Azalea.

Lilliana didn't inform her parents of what plane she was getting, just that she would be home that week, so she's very surprised to find Clover and Poppy waiting for her when they get there.

Her friends bombard her in a group hug, "Oh, I've missed you two. Girls," She pulls away, "This is Azalea."

"Oh glad to finally put the name to a face," Poppy chuckles. Clover and Poppy spoke to Azalea many times whenever they would ring Lilliana.

"Likewise but my parents are over there," Azalea sees her parents waiting, "So I'll see you on the 3rd Lil?"

"Of course," Lilliana hugs her, "Have a good Christmas."

Once she's gone she turns to her friends, "So how did you know I was coming and how did you get here?"

"By taxi and Azzy rang ahead," Clover informs then grins looking her friend up and down, "But look at you. I know you don't want this pregnancy but it suits you."

At 15 weeks a small bump is visible and clarifies that she is pregnant, not carrying a little extra weight. "I know I just wish it wasn't with him," If we're with Rami or even just a stranger she had a one-night stand with she might be excited but she can't be happy knowing the baby is Paul's. She pushes the girls to the baggage claims and they lead her to a taxi.

Arriving home the girls part ways, Lilliana barely makes it in the front gate before she is attacked with hugs from Michael and Laura, followed by Robert dragging her inside, "Mum! Dad! Lily's home!"

"Oh, why didn't tells us you'd be home today?" Veronica meets her daughter in the living room hugging her tightly, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Lilliana hugs her mum tight, "I wanted to surprise you all."

"Well it's a very nice one," John informs her and holds his arms open. He grins when she crashes into him, squeezing him in a tight hug, "It's nice to have you home," He holds her resting his cheek on her head, he's really missed her.

"I've missed you, dad," She mutters into his chest.

"I missed you too."

Once the excitement calms down, Veronica follows Lilliana up to her bedroom to talk while she unpacks, she can't help noticing her bump, "How are you feeling? I see you're starting to show."

"Starting, I've been showing for the past few weeks," She tries to be light-hearted but fails, "I don't really know how to feel, I'm in two minds about it. A baby is the last thing I wanted especially from him, I want to finish Uni, I wanted to find a good career and be in a stable relationship but at the same time it's not the child's fault which is why I'm struggling to just get rid of it."

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