Long Wait

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August 1987

"How are the driving lessons going?" Rami asks while on the phone with Lilliana.

It's just gone John's 36th birthday and Rami is still in New York, it's been a full month since Lilliana moved back to London with Said and Katie. The waiting is killing them both.

Though she has her mum and dad's help during the day, at night it's all her. She's tired to the bone, she misses him more than she ever thought she would and hearing his voice isn't enough.

Rami has thrown himself into learning the English curriculum to try to distract him from sitting around waiting for the post every day, he misses Lilliana and of course, his children, a full month without seeing them has been hard.

"Great, Roger says I'm learning quickly and reckons I'll be ready for my test in October."

"Good, you'll be driving in no time," He smiles, just hearing her voice boosts his spirits but there's a pause as Lilliana gets up to tend to Katie before she asks the daily question.

"Any news or post?" She sits back against the headboard breastfeeding her daughter.

Sighing, he looks up at the pile of post on the phone table beside him, "No, just junk mail. I called them yesterday after talking to you though, they said that it was sent to be posted so that's something."

"Soon then, given what post times can be like it'll be Halloween when you get it," She tries to lighten the mood but emotion wins, "I miss you."

"I miss you too," His voice creaks looking around the dull empty apartment. He's sat against the wall on the phone by the phone table, "All three of you. As soon as it's here I'm on the first flight out, my stuff is already packed and ready to go. I'm going to give Katie and Said so many cuddles and kisses, me and you are going to have a child-free meal out and then we're going to start house hunting. We can find our family home."

"I can see it now," She sniffles but grins thinking about it, "A house with at least four rooms, ours, one each for the twins and then a nursery/spare for if we want more children. A big back garden ready for Katie and Said to play in, maybe a jungle gym or swing set."

"A patio area for when we have friends and family over, we can have a BBQ as a housewarming party or just a party as I might be too cold for a BBQ by then," He laughs remembering it's England, "An art studio for you to do your work and maybe we can finally get a dog, I know how much to still miss Tiger."

"Yeah, I think Katie and Said should grow up with a pet. I know my siblings loved having a pet despite him being my service dog," She glances at the clock and Rami must have read her mind.

"What time is it over there? It's evening for me so it must be late for you?"

She brings Katie up to her shoulder to burp her then answers, "It's coming up to 1am."

"Shoot, sorry love, you need to get to sleep, you must be exhausted."

"I won't lie, I can't wait for us to share the night feeds and changing again but it's fine, Katie's not long finished feeding," She smiles down at her daughter rocking her as she goes back to sleep, "It'll be Said in a moment, then I can go back to sleep."

"Then I'll let you go, you've got your hands full but please get some sleep, you deserve it. I love you," He waits for her to say it and hangs up, tears fall down his cheek and he sobs curling into himself.


John and Veronica had promised Lilliana a day to herself without the twins and today she is taking them up on the offer. Freddie has asked her to come over that after without them, saying he was to talk about something and she's meeting up with Poppy and Clover for a catch-up beforehand.

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