8. Wedding Planning

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       Cole and Katherine arrive back at Coles house at around 6:00pm. They decide to make some sandwiches, popcorn, and coffee and watch a movie to end their night, since they both had to return to work tomorrow morning. After they finish eating Katherine turns to him and says, "can we talk?". With a concerning look in his eyes, Cole pauses the movie and turns to her, "of course love, what's the matter?". Nothing was wrong she was just trying to figure out how to bring up living arrangements. And what they were going to do about her business, now that they were engaged. "Well, I was just thinking, what about my business now that we are engaged? I was going to sell to you, but now that we are engaged what are we going to do about that? Also,  what about living arrangements? My apartment, your house, the lake house? A new house?", Cole chuckles, "slow down love, we can talk about all that. Well now that we are going to getting married, I won't have to buy you out, my money is your money. We can figure it out together. Now living arrangements, I was thinking we could live here? It's a perfect place to have children, build a life. We have plenty of room here, plenty of yard. What do you think?". Katherine thinks, she knows he has a point, that his house is perfect. And she does like the yard and the garden. It would make sense to move in with him. "Okay I agree. I like that idea. But when do you want me to move in?", she says to him. "We can get your things tomorrow after work if you'd like." He replies. She nods her head in agreement. This was really happening, it was really happening. "What about the wedding?", Katherine says to him, with excitement in her voice, "there's so much planning!", again Cole laughs, "we have plenty of time love, don't stress. Let's get ready for bed, we both have to work in the morning, and we can discuss more of the wedding plans tomorrow, okay love?", he kisses her forehead and they head upstairs to bed. It took Katherine a while to fall asleep, especially with all the excitement of getting married and moving in with Cole. She was thrilled, she was ready to tell Susan when she stopped at the cafe in the morning before work. "Katherine Worthy", she mumbles to herself and a smile crosses her lips, she really was in love with Cole. She snuggles into him, taking in his scent, and falls asleep.
      They awake to their alarms sounding at 6:00am. Katherine jumped in the shower, and Cole got in after her. She was getting dressed for work when he stepped out of the bathroom in just a towel. She looks him up and down and gets flustered.  She walks up to him, and kisses him passionately, "I want you." She whispers in his ear, and he drops the towel.  Takes her clothes back off of her, and lays her on the bed, pins her hands above her head, and thrusts into her, faster and deeper with each stroke in and out. She moaned his name, and he lets out a moan too, as they both reach climax. "I could get used to this." He says with a smirk as they both get dressed for work. Katherine throws her hair in a bun, and they head downstairs. Cole walks her to her car, gives her a kiss, and they both head their separate ways to work.
        Katherine reaches the cafe, and goes in with a big smile on her face, she was ready to tell Susan all about her weekend with Cole. "Good morning Katherine! How was your weekend?" Susan says to her while preparing her usual coffee. With a huge smile Katherine says, "it was great Susan! I have some news to tell you! I'm getting married!" "What!", Susan turns around, obviously shocked. "Spill, how did he do it? Was it romantic?", a smile crosses Katherine's lips, "it was perfect, Susan. He had the bedroom lit with candles, and rose petals everywhere, and music playing softly, it was the perfect proposal." She says. "Are you sure you're ready for this?", Susan says with a concerned look on her face. She knew Katherine hadn't been in a relationship in 5 years, and now she was getting married. "Of course, I love him Susan. He makes me happy, the happiest I've ever been. I'm ready to take this next step with him, but I have one more thing to add, would you be my maid of honor?" Excitement crossed Susan's face, "yes!!!!". "I have to get to work now, but I'll call you later!", Katherine says to her, as she leaves and heads to work.
      Katherine arrives at work, and just as she opens her laptop she gets a message, "I love you baby, would you like to start planning the wedding?" A smile crosses Katherine's face as she reads the message from Cole. She texts back, "I love you too, Cole. And yes! I'll write up a list of everything that needs to be done and we can work on it together after work!". She really was excited. She never thought she'd be planning a wedding. She never really thought she would get married. But now that she was, she couldn't help but be thrilled. She closes her laptop, and gets out her notebook, how could she focus on work when she was getting married? She began writing up her list; venue, flowers, cake, wine, music, dress, bridesmaid dresses, tux, groomsmen tux, decorations. She was so excited to go over this with Cole. Her wedding was going to perfect, she could just tell.
       Work continues to drag on the rest of the day, Katherine was ready to go home to Cole. But finally as the clock struck 5:00pm, she packs up her things in a hurry, and locks up, ready to get home to see Cole and begin planning their wedding. She sends Cole a message, "I'm heading home, see you soon." And heads to his house. When she pulls in, Cole is in the driveway waiting for her,  he opens her door, and greets her with a kiss. "Let me take your bag, love. Dinner is almost ready.". He loved cooking for her. They get inside and he pours her a glass of wine while they wait for dinner to be done.  "How was your day, love?", he says to her.  "It was great! I wrote a list of all the things we needed to figure out for the wedding, you wanna see?". She replies to him with a smile. "Of course! Show me.", he says excitedly. He was ready to marry her. He'd marry her right now if he could but he knew she deserved a beautiful wedding. "Okay so here's all I have, we need to think of a venue first, where do you think we should do it?", she says to him. "We could do it in the garden out back. You love how pretty it is, I think it would make a beautiful wedding location." He replies with a huge smile. Her face lit up. She really did love that garden and all the flowers in the back, would make for great pictures. "Okay! I love that idea. Now, where should we order the cake? I was thinking that new bakery down the road! 1500 Bakery I think it is? I heard it's really good!", she says. "I agree, love." He says calmly. He gets up to pull dinner out of the oven, hmm lasagna, her favorite of all the things he cooks her. He fixes their plates, and sits back down beside her. "What else is on your list?" He says. "Which winery? I've never bought wine from a winery before, I've always bought mine cheap.", she says to him. He chuckles and looks at her with a smile, "we can use my uncles winery? He'd be thrilled to bring the wine for us." He says. "Okay we can check that off our list too." She says with a huge smile. This all just kept becoming more real. And she was getting more and more excited the more they went over what all needed done. "Now music, we need some sort of dj for the music." She says. "I have that covered love, my assistant at work is also a dj and he does great with weddings." He replies. So she checked that off their list as well. "Should we do silver for color? And decoration colors? I think it would be pretty." She says with a smile, it was her dream wedding color. She just hoped he liked it as well. "That's fine with me love, I want this to be your perfect day." He says with a smile and kisses her softly. They continue going over their list and checking things off, they were just about done when it came down to setting a date. She didn't want to rush it, but didn't want it to be forever away either. They decided on a month from now. Just enough time to gather everything they needed, and have everything set up, and gave her time to find the perfect dress.
          Katherine put up her checklist, while Cole got a movie going. This was their routine, dinner, talk, movie, bed. It was perfect. She loved going to bed with Cole, and waking up to him. It was like a dream come true. Like a dream, she never wanted to wake up from. They finish up their movie, and head off to bed to wake up for another day of work the next morning, and another day of wedding planning. After work Katherine had plans to go with Susan to dress shop, for bridesmaid dresses and her dress. Cole was going with his brother to pick out tuxedos, so they wouldn't get much time together today. But that was okay, cause she got to go to bed with him tonight.
         Work zoomed by, and Susan met Katherine in the parking lot to dress shop. This was going to be so much fun, Katherine thought to herself. They head down to Chicagos finest bridal shop, Cole had given Katherine his credit card to pay for their dresses. They begin looking through the dresses and find the perfect silver dress for Susan. They continue looking through the wedding dresses and trying on probably 500 of them. When a dress caught Katherine's eye. It was a tight, mermaid style dress, with lace around the waist, and she knew it was perfect. She went to try it on, and walks out to show Susan. "Wow! That's beautiful Katherine, I think that's the one." Katherine felt like a princess, it really was the perfect dress. She couldn't wait for Cole to see her in on their big day. It was going to be perfect.
Meanwhile, Cole and his brother Tyler, found their tuxedos, they went with black with a silver tie. It would fit the colors of the wedding and black tuxedos were all that looked good on Cole. They pay for the tuxedos and head back to the house for dinner. Cole couldn't wait to see Katherine, and see how dress shopping went. All they had left to do was wait. And their special day couldn't come fast enough.

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