Peace conference, intruders and khaos Brigade

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grafyia : hello everyone I am grafyia lucifuge the queen of sirzechs lucifer and the headmaid of the gremory house and I am also the host of this meeting, now the peace conference between the three biblical factions begins !

All the leaders nodded and soon rias and sona stepped forward and gave their side of reports all listened to their reports and after they ended their report, sirzechs asked azazel

sirzechs: so azazel mind telling us why kokabiel wanted to restart the great war ?

azazel: well I think he was dissatisfied by the truce between all of us as he was even against retreating from great war but I still retreated our forces , so I guess that's why he wanted to restart the war

Michael: hmm that sounds like kokabiel even during his time in heaven he frequently asked for spars from every strong being he met

Serafall: so where exactly is he ? I remember that so-tan did mention white dragon emperor didn't killed him

sona's mouth twiched at being called so-tan and her ears were also little red from embarrassment

azazel: I punished him by freezing him and sending him of to cocytus

sirzechs and serafall nodded satisfied

after that they talked about some previous controversial matters regarding their factions and fortunately all the misunderstandings were cleared now the opinions of dragon emperors came in

azazel: there are still some strong beings that can affect the peace greatly so I would like to ask the opinions of white and red dragon emperors on peace and their respective goals

tatsuya: huh ! I guess I want peace as war will result in many innocent deaths

tatsuya said scratching his cheek

Albion mentally: a protagonist indeed

issei rolled his eyes

issei mentally: what did you expect

Albion mentally: to be honest I expected it to play like Canon where he agreed to peace so he can make love to rias

issei mentally : he is litle bit better than canon issei personality wise and even is somewhat mature as even though he is a pervert he doesn't scream oppai and bucchou everytime he opens his mouth

Albion chuckled

issei was brought out of his conversation with albion by azazel asking tatsuya about his goal

azazel: good so what is your goal red dragon emperor ?

tatsuya: I I want to be strong enough so I can protect my loved ones even against gods !

tatsuya announced with determination ozzing off of him

azazel nodded satisfied

sirzechs: now white dragon emperor issei what are your opinion on peace of three biblical factions?

all looked at issei especially gabriel who was looking at him unblinking

issei: hmmm I agree peace is a thing everyone desires and if there is a chance of it then I am all for it

sirzechs smiled

azazel: ohh good so what your goal must be ?

vali now looked at issei as he has seen issei's strength and want to know what his goal might be

issei: my goal is to be the strongest there is so strong that not even whole world combined can defeat me , so strong that my name will brought fear to the higher-up beings of top 10 and ultimately become the dragon god of supremacy

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