Tatsuya's juggernaut drive - 1

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An- hello everyone I just want to tell you all that currently my board exams are starting from Feb 21 and will last till March 20 so during that period there would be no updates on this story but after my exams are over then I will fully rewrite this story and mass release the rewritten one , till then the current version will be there .. story is not dropped

My reason for rewrite is that I find this quality lacking so I will completely rewrite it and the recently released chps were in my draft .

Until then .


A being about 12 feet tall covered in a primal red armor which gave it the look of a dragon and in the red Armour some green gems were attached , the said being was rampaging around destroying everything in his sight and sometimes roars of sorrow and extreme sadness were released from it ,

rias : tatsuya why ?

now for what led to this

[ flashback 3 hours ago ]

rias and her peerage has just entered the field of play of their rating game and then suddenly diodora astaroth appears and reveals his allegiance with the old Satan faction and the fact the old Satan faction have hijacked the whole dimension and just after his little speech he in a flash kidnapped asia from rias , making her peerage enraged but diodora left to the top shrine where his headquarters were given to him by rating game community .

but gremory peerage wanted to rescue asia so they chased after him and to stop them in their tracks Diodora has took it upon himself to host an unofficial Rating Game by having his Peerage get in their way.

The first match up took place in a shrine where he send all 8 of his Pawns and both Rooks while Rias sent tatsuya, Koneko, Gasper and Xenovia to face them. Before the fight commence, Xenovia was given the Ascalon sword by tatsuya. Xenovia powered up the holy aura of Durandal and Ascalon in tandem and delivered two powerful slashes at the Rooks, killing them.

The other three prepared to power up for their fight against Diodora's Pawns who have all promoted to Queen, Koneko let her cat ears and tail out , Gasper drank a drop of tatsuya's blood and tatsuya also promoted to Queen.

With his perverted desires maxed, tatsuya boosted his power to use his newest technique; Pailingual, with it he was able to hear the thoughts of all their breasts and predict moves which he convoyed to his teammates. Gasper froze 6 of the Pawns who were about to make an attack on him and Koneko. The other 2 Pawns were easily dealt with by Koneko.

The Gremory Team moved onto the next shrine for the next match up, there they met up with Diodora's Queen and Bishops, Rias and Akeno stepped up to face them. While the two were having a slight dispute, Koneko whispered to tatsuyas ear a way to motivate them, to which he told Akeno that if she won then they would go a date. Akeno responded with lustful excitement while Rias was upset at him, the two girls bickering escalated over who was closer to tatsuya.

Diodora's Queen became enraged for them ignoring her and tried to get their attention, only for her to be defeated instantly by their strongest attacks.

They moved on to the next shrine to face the two Knights only to find to their surprise Freed Sellzen to be present there instead, he reveals to had been turned into a chimera by the Khaos Brigade and have absorbed the two Knights into him.

Freed goes to explain that Diodora intentionally planned for Asia's excommunication, a fact that angered tatsuya to no bound but only for Yuuto to calm him down, Yuuto who is also holding back his rage stepped forward to fight him.

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