Nox Mors (Cliffside)

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From the eternal night, from the rat-infested streets, from the blackish rivers of pollution I manifest myself. I bring disease, plagues, famine and drought, for that is what I am, the reflection of man, the effect after the cause.

I am the manifestation of sin, egregor of humanity, for them I exist and for them I am their punishment, miasma that gallops through the dark forests, traveling from town to town.

Here I am, more present than ever, because I have recovered a part of me that I did not remember having lost, a memory, a feeling, a desire from forgotten lands. Return.

Tell me, hooded leech, that you carry a scythe as a weapon, what has been heard of you? The meaning of life, fear of men, shepherd of souls, pale skinned knight and yellow horse rider, all those titles attached to your name, death itself. But how dare you ruin such a reputation? Facing me once again, even though you know that you have lost your voice for me, ripped out by my teeth, thanks to your arrogance and stubbornness to protect men.

Now you are nothing but misfortune, because out of shame you have covered your face, resigned to wandering along the edge of a cliff.

I can feel your hatred, your contempt, your desire for revenge. Courage or stupidity? That will be your turn to demonstrate, my teeth are still waiting for you, well no god will watch over you. Dead you are and dead you will remain, hail to your god one last time.

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