Dedf1sh was bored out of her mind. If she had a mind anymore. From the roomers she had heard outside of her workroom the new test subject NO. 10,008 has been doing great on the tests. She didn't remember the last she ate or slept, but it didn't madder. She had a track that sounded really funky. It was basically, it's vocals that sound almost like inkish, but not quite inkish, nearly octararn. She wanted to slide in some sort of warning to NO. 10,008, but a order different from the ones before showed up in her shades.
Of course she had to do what they said. She glanced at her turn table. Eight buttons, eight- the shades blocked of the thought she was having. So she went back to work.
"This might work here," Dedf1sh heard the sound of octolings being splatted.
"No go there don't let No.10,008 bring the tower there!" she asoomed that the voice was a combat octoling one she had never met, and never will. When she finished her song sounded kinda like the last drum beats at the start before the vocals come in.
The Story of Dedf1sh
Fanfiction*SPOILERS FOR THE OCTO EXPANSION!!!!!* Dedf1sh was a octoling that was freed from Dj octavio's control. With a new life and a want to be a DJ she finds herself deep in the laboratory's of the Deepsea Metro.