Trust forming

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He set me on the counter with the hoodie and walked over to the pantry. My jaw dropped when he opened it. I had never seen so much food in my life. I could only imagine what the fridge looked like.

"What do you feel like eating?" He asked looking through the pantry. When I didn't answer he turned around to face me. He look confused at first but his eyes sparkled with amusement when he saw my shocked face. "I'll pick something out for you" he smirked.

He worked with his back turned to me for a minute or two and then he turned around and set a small sandwich in front of me. I bit of bread with some meat cheese and some sort of yellow goo stacked up on it. I took a big bite and then grimaced.

"What's that yellow stuff??" I asked disgusted

He softly laughed "it's mustard. You don't like it?"

"Mm m" I shook my head.

He laughed while making me another one without mustard. I took a big bite. It was good. I ate the whole thing as fast as possible.

"Waohh" he chuckled "someone's hungry" I looked up at him to glare at him. But then I noticed his pointy finger was coming at me. It's poked my belly and moved it up and down to tickle me. I fell on my back trying to hold on my laugh.

"Ooooh someone's ticklish" he teased.

Again his finger tickled me and I giggled loudly.

"Awww you're so cuteee" he playfully remarked.

I wanted to glare at him but he tickled me again and again until i was so exhausted I couldn't breath. I lay limp on the counter I was tired but I was happy. Putting a thumb and a finger on either side of me he lifted my limp body up. He held me to eye level while I layer on his palm.

"Tired?" He whispered. His warm breath washed over me, calming me. I nodded my head. "Come on then" he said quietly. He lowered me down to chest level. I could hear his soothing heart beat as he walked to the bedroom.

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