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𝕴 𝖘𝖆𝖜 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖎𝖒. 𝕴 𝖆𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖎𝖘 𝖆 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉𝖞. 𝖄𝖊𝖙, 𝕴 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓'𝖙 𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖑𝖑, ˙˙˙llɐ ʇɐ

The next morning, (Y/N) woke up without a feeling of affection for Donnie Darko. She questioned herself for a second and imagined Donnie talking to someone but her. Not a single feeling of jealousy or sadness overtook her. After a few seconds, she smiled and relieved the biggest burden off her shoulders. Her affirmations to help her sleep the night before came true and worked. No more Donnie taking over her mind and no more wants of Donnie ever talking to her. (Y/N) was finally over Donnie Darko.

(Y/N) walked into her white but small kitchen that her parents congregated in. Her mother was cooking pancakes while hearing the daily news being broadcasted on the small radio near the oven. Her father was hunched over the kitchen countertop that looked into the living room. Reading the newspaper and commenting on the economic rise of different prospects. It was a normal morning like any other in the household. (Y/N), happier than ever, sat near the countertop and talked to her parents.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep last night?" Her mother asked while still focusing on the pancakes and politics coming from the radio.

"I slept great actually. Better than I had in a very long time?" (Y/N) replied while peering over to the front cover of her father's newspaper. 'Writer Jim Cunningham Coming To Middlesex', (Y/N) tried to think if she knew that name. 

"Dad, who's that Jim Cunningham guy on the front cover?" Her father looked up and turned the newspaper over and scoffed. 

"A nobody that's who he is. He makes people think what he thinks and makes millions each time someone believes him." Her father laughed while her mother gave him a disappointed glance.

"Don't be so rude, honey. He makes a lot more money than we do." Her father covered his fake cough with his hand. Knowing there was no we, only he. "(Y/N/N), he's a motivational speaker who talks about the differences between fear and love. He says that we control our lives with fear and be more loving." Her father questioned her mother how she knew this and answered that one of the teachers in (Y/N)'s school was obsessed with him. The father nodded and the kitchen went silent for a short time.

"Oh, guess who I saw sleeping out in the open and walking back to his house?" (Y/N)'s father exclaimed. (Y/N) and her mother did not know and questioned who.

"Donnie Darko, you know the neighbors weird son across the street. Don't get me wrong but he looks like a crazy lunatic and will be even crazier when he grows up." (Y/N) slightly tensed and tried not to show her distaste for hearing that name. "Is he in your grade, (Y/N/N)?" (Y/N) nodded and started to eat the pancakes her mother started to serve.

"You shouldn't be talking about our neighbors' son like that. How would you feel if they were talking about our daughter like that?"

"Well, our daughter from my knowledge is pretty normal." Their conversation continued and eventually stopped the discussion about Donnie which (Y/N) was glad of. Her parents convinced her not to talk about what happened to him to anyone at school. To make sure that it wouldn't spread around the school and peopl would start calling him crazy. (Y/N) thought people already saw him as crazy but never said a word. They also discussed the football barbeque at the Darko's house the next day. (Y/N) thought how she didn't need to worry about Donnie anymore and maybe try talking to his sister Elizabeth. After a while (Y/N) got up and said goodbye to her parents. She walked out the door to see a few people also walking to school like her. 

"No Donnie for a day, please God keep it that way." (Y/N) said to herself and started to walk across the street.

When she reached school she walked to her locker and got her books for history. It was a tradition that (Y/N) would look to her left and watch Donnie Darko talk to his group of friends. She would stand there and wish she was one of them and then go to class where he also would be. This day, however, (Y/N) was convinced to not look over at him at all. So she got her history book and went straight to her first class. 

The class was rowdy and crazy as usual. A group of guys yelling in the corner about some football game that happened last night. The group of really pretty girls stood around each other, trying to cover their mouths so no one would hear what they were saying. Anyone could hear within a mile distance. (Y/N) somewhat enjoyed the loud atmosphere. It helped her think and not focus on Darko who just walked into the classroom. (Y/N)'s eyes were looking straight forward to the overused chalkboard at the front of the class. Thinking about the song she heard a while back on her mother's portable radio. She didn't notice someone standing a foot behind her looking at her. The person got closer and sat at the open desk next to her.

"Does anybody sit here? I don't want to be the jackass and sit in someone's spot." (Y/N) snapped quickly out of her thoughts. She knew exactly whose voice it was and her heart for a second died. She looked to her right to see none other than the boy she'd been almost obsessing over for the last two years. He was lazily sitting back on the backrest looking like he was about to sleep right there. His eyes supported her sleeping argument, which looked like weights were attached to his lashes and were pulling them down slowly. His hair was in a slight mess which made (Y/N) slightly blush because it made him look a little better. She forgot about his hair and went back to his eyes which were looking right at hers. The one moment that (Y/N) wanted in her entire life happened just then. The many times she wanted him to look at her or even acknowledge her just came true. 'Damn it, he's talking to me right now! Why now!'

"Umm... no I don't think so. I don't pay attention to who sits next to me in history class." (Y/N) replied, lying to him. She looked back to the front not thinking he would continue to talk to her. 'He never had the time to talk to me before why would he now?' she told herself. The seat next to her was always empty, the class was rather small and there were more chairs than students. One of the empty seats was next to her which no one took. Anytime there was a single shadow or noise near that chair she would look over to see if someone would sit there. It remained empty for almost the whole year until that day.

"You're lying." He said still looking at her.

"What?" (Y/N) nervously laughed and looked back at him calmly. In her mind, she was freaking out like never before.

"You got to be lying. 'Cause I know for a fact that every single person in this school is self-conscious about how other people look at them and what they think of them. You have to be lying." He had a weird confidence to him surrounding him. Like he knew every single fact that could be questioned and knew when the world would end. It gave him a smug look which (Y/N) thought was cute. She brushed off the thought and focused back on his words.

"Do you care what other people think about you?" (Y/N) quipped back and smirked slightly knowing that she had enough confidence to even answer him back.

"No, (Y/N), I don't care what the other degenerates in this school think about me. Honestly, I don't think they even pay attention to me. So there's no use of trying to succumb to their, quote, standards they have set for us." (Y/N) was set back by what he just said. Every thought of a comeback sunk in her brain and only one question came. 'How the hell does Donnie Darko know my name?'

"How do you know my name?" (Y/N) stuttered a little and tried to look as calm as possible. 

"Your parents come over almost every weakened you don't think I hear your name every once in a while?" (Y/N) nodded her head slowly, her mouth gapped a little, and looked once more back to the front.

"I'm Donnie by the way, Donnie Darko. We're neighbors, I know you don't see me much." He held out his hand for (Y/N) to shake. She peered down and with as much energy as possible, she shook his hand.

"Yeah, I know you. Your parents talk a lot about you." (Y/N) said quietly as the teacher welcomed the class and started her lesson.

"You know me?" He sarcastically said in a low whisper. Laughing a little and then paid attention to the class. (Y/N) was far beyond creeped out, she was petrified.

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