Chapter 0

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Circle of Life

To say there are fates worse than death is a bold claim. When in a vacuum no fate is worse than death. However, as much as I'd like to say that there is nothing worse than that I have finally discovered a fate that in my opinion is worse than death in nearly every way.

Being reborn as an instance of SCP-939 is what I'd consider worse than death. Imagine being born as a seemingly normal human child then some long amount of time later having to tear away your own skin because it feels like wearing an ugly christmas sweater and there is also the nightmare-inducing bonus of removing your head like you're wearing the head of a mascot and then after that eating your skin and head.

That is what I'd consider worse than death, and unfortunately I'm living it right now.


So what in Radical Larry's Pocket Dimension did I do to get reborn as SCP-939?

Nothing I can remember unfortunately. Though I can remember some things about myself and how I died. I remember being a white male around twenty years old. I was also a big fan of SCPs despite how nightmare-inducing they are at times. I worked as a janitor for a fast food place, I work very early in the morning before the place opens. There was always a lot of work to do but the pay is decent.

It started one morning with me entering the building to start my shift. The first place I went was the men's bathroom. I normally started with it since it is the dirtiest place and most difficult to clean. So I cleaned it first to get it out of the way. Today it was really nasty. As I was unclogging a toilet that I've been having a difficult time with I heard glass breaking. I wondered who would rob a fast food place at this time of day? The only person here is me and I don't have the key to the freezer room if they are looking to steal food.

I silently grabbed a dry mop and silently exited the bathroom and the first thing I see is broken glass and someone looting the cash register for money. From where I'm standing I yell at the person.

What I didn't expect however, was for the person to turn around and attack me while pressing the barrel of a gun against my forehead. They were so fast I just acted on my own and tried to spear them with the mop but it failed miserably and I went out with a bang. It happened so quickly I can't remember exact details so I may be exaggerating a bit.

Then I went into a black void, lonely for a couple minutes before I started seeing light again and began my unpredictable life as an instance of SCP-939. Only thing I can look forward to is how stupid or comical my death will be.

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