Chapter 2

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Into Adulthood & Another Breach

The day of my transition from SCP-939-A7 to SCP-939-### has come. My skin is itchy and beginning to fall off, why delay the inevitable? I stood in a corner I never used and began to rip and tear away at my skin immediately, ripping away the human skin revealed a terrifying red and intimidating monster. After removing my old head my eyesight became severely impaired and I could only see something that was less than five feet in front me, literally. I could see the floor and the walls perfectly fine but my eyes couldn't pick up small objects unless I was really close.

Then came hunger, I was so hungry that I bent down and started eating my old skin and head off of the floor. Human flesh tastes sort of like beef, unless that only applies to my old flesh.

After I finished munching on my old body I stood up and walked up to the heavily reinforced glass and waved my hand. I could see and hear sound now. I saw continuous sound being emitted from one source and after listening in I heard static and caught the conversation that was being had over the communications device.

"SCP-939-A7 has entered their adult stage, what is its designation going to be?" The Scientist asked.

"SCP-939-113 is the next available so just call it that." The person on the other end replied. I'm fine being given a designation, it is expected anyways.

"Should we move it with the other 939s?" Nope that's not happening and I will make sure of that.

After hearing that I tuned out the conversation and tried to communicate with them anyway I could but I couldn't do it verbally because I can only mimic dead people. I couldn't write because there was nothing to write on. Then I just got the idea of telling them through actions. I stood up and hit the wall next to me, it didn't even dent but it at least got the attention of the scientists who presumably dropped everything they were doing to focus on me.

I didn't think I'd get this far so I better communicate something now. I walked back to the glass and using my claws I played charades with the Scientists to tell them what I wanted. It was difficult because they weren't that good but I eventually got the point across that I wanted some paper and a pencil.

I waited in my chambers for what felt like forever until the door into my room opened and shut so a D-class could set down the stuff I wanted, they wouldn't risk their own lives to deliver supplies to an SCP that could easily kill them after all.

After the D-class left I carefully retrieved the stuff since I didn't know how strong I was and I carefully removed a sheet of paper and started writing. My handwriting was a bit sloppy but it is still legible. The message I wrote said: 'don't want to be with other 939s, happy by myself.' I took some shortcuts to not take up too much space and after rereading it several times I sat up and after getting their attention like last time except with less force I showed the paper to them.

After waiting a bit the continuous sound of the comms device came and I lowered the paper, bringing it back with me into my corner.

I didn't bother listening in on their conversation as I just laid down and slept.

... Maybe tomorrow will be better.

I suddenly woke up to the sounds of alarms, I could see the sounds coming from speakers just above and seconds later the door to my cell had opened up and I was free to go... if I chose to.

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