Chapter 3

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Harry's POV.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask and walk into the living room. I move some pillows on the couch en sit down.

"Well, we've just seen a movie and we have to be at the studio at four, so I don't know maybe go on twitter and tumblr?" He says and sits down next to me. "Maybe we can look for Larry posts? I don't think it's hard to find them." He laughs and winks at me.

I nod. Okay Harry you can do this. You're just going to look at you and your crush. Don't do anything crazy.

I'm so deep in thought that I don't even realize that Louis has picked his laptop from his room.

"Okay let's take a look." He says with a posh accent as he opens Twitter.

I sigh. Here we go.

Louis types #LarryStylinson in on the search bar and clicks on the first tweet that he sees.

"Ahw Haz, look!" It's a picture of us where he has his arm around my shoulders en looks into my eyes.

"Seeing this picture I understand why people think we're in love!" I smile and I'm sure my cheeks have turned red.
"Ahw, are you blushing. I know, I know I looked very hot back then." He jokes and pinches my cheeks.

Okay. I think I'm crimson right now. The things he does to me! He smiles and cups my cheek. His beautiful eyes are sparkling. He turn his head and moves his head towards mine. Butterflies explode inside my belly. Oh my god. Is he about to kiss me? He moves closer and I lick my lips. And turn my head as well. I smile and just when I'm about to close my eyes he whispers, "Lets look further." My smile falls. Dissappoinment and sadness makes their way into my body. I suddenly feel horrible. I frown and look at Louis who is staring at the laptop with a smile. I clear my throat and stand up.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I just h-have to uh yeah." I stutter and quickly walk away.

How could I ever think he would kiss me. How stupid am I? He's straight! I walk up the stairs into my room. I close the door and sit on my bed. I stare a minute or two at the ceiling before putting my head into my pillow and sobbing loudly.

Nobody would ever want me. Maybe the famous and rich me, but never the real me. The world thinks I'm a womanizer and sleep around evey night without knowing them, but they're all wrong. I'm more than that. And I don't even like women! I scream aggressively into my pillow. Maybe I should tell the lads that I'm gay. Maybe I just need to get it off my shoulders. I pick my phone up of the nightstand and search through my contacts. I decide to call my mum. She's one of the few people who knows I'm gay. I put my phone against my ear. My mum picks up after a few beeps.

'Hello?' She says and I immediately feel better hearing hervoice.

'Hi mum.'

'Hi honey, how are you?' I sigh.

'I'm okay..'

'You don't sound confincing.' I sigh again.

'Mum I want to tell the lads that I'm into boys.' I say quickly.

I hear her suck in her breath. Seconds pass and I begin to feel nervous.

'Love, are you sure?' I chew on the inside of my cheek.

'I think I am, yeah.'

'You have to do what you feel like doing. If you're positive, than you should do it.' I smile.

'Okay. Thank you mum. I love you.'

'I love you too, hun. Good luck.'

'Thanks. Bye.'

She hangs up and I put my phone on the nightstand again. There's a knock on my door. "Haz?" The door opens and Louis' head sticks in. He looks at me and frowns, probably noticing my sad and nervous expression. He walks to my bed and sits next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" What should I tell him? I try to make up a lie, but nothing comes into my head. When I don't answer his question he tilts his head up and brings his fingers to my chin. He cups my chin and moves my head to look into my eyes. I close my eyes and sigh.

"You can tell me, you know. I care about you." His eyes don't sparkle as they usually do. He doesn't have a smile on his lips, but a sad frown. I sigh and close my eyes, not being able to look at his sad expression.

"Louis." I say and bite my lip.

"Yeah Haz?"

"Can we call the lads to come over tonight? I have something I need to tell." He frowns and looks at me to search for a hint but nods anyway. "Ofcourse. Yeah. I'll do it." He places a kiss on my cheek and walks out of my room.

I bring my hand to the cheek that he's kissed. Right now I'm not even doubting anymore. Tonight I'm going to do it.


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I'd like it if you'd follow me. There's a new chapter coming very soon. Oh and Zayn is going to stay in this book, even though he hasn't been my favorite these past weeks.

Thank you for reading!

- A. X

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