Arc 1 Chapter 2 - Lesson and Life

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of Loki's Renard. This chapter covers more of Akihide becoming adjusted to life with the Loki Familia, at least him beginning to, before continuing to their expedition next chapter. But enough about that, onto the story!


When asked to show the top members of the Loki Familia what he knew about fighting with his weapons, they were very much dissapointed when it became increasingly apparent that Akihide had no idea who to properly wield the weapons that he held. He would swing and slash with them much like a wild animal, with no refinement, techinque or forward thinking about his next move.

Luckily, those were all things that could be trained up and into the boy, but it was certainly a dissapointment that Loki hadn't managed to nag them a child prodigy like Freya seemed to do on a weekly basis. Akihide was just a kid, one who ran away from monsters and only really had experience killing monsters on the surface, which were considerably weaker than the monsters in the dungeon. In all honesty, no one really expected him to be the world's gift to adventuring, but with all the experience he had, they had hoped for better than this.

Finn sighed, and called for Akihide to stop with his 'demonstration' of what he knew so far. "We'll have to train you from the ground up. Your fighting is sloppy and it's a miracle you've faced monsters before and lived to tell the tale. Now, when we go on the expedition in three days, Loki has organised a trainer for you. I don't know who it is, but they should be able to help you learn how to use your weapons properly."

"If you manage to impress us enough when we get back, we'll take you on a dungeon crawl of Floors 1 and 2." offered Gareth, grabbing the young boy's attention and admiration. "But you'll need to work hard every day, keep your equipment in top shape, and be respectful to your teacher."

Akihide nodded his head repeatedly up and down, showing jut how serious he was in getting down into the dungeon. He only knew that killing monsters granted Excilia, and had no idea one could also gain it from training or fighting people instead of monsters. The way he saw it, the only way to get stronger was to get into the dungeon and kill monsters, gaining the Excilia that came with them and increasing his stats. That meant that if he wanted to get stronger and kill monsters in the dungeon, he'd have to become strong enough outside the dungeon and listen to this trainer.

"But enough about that." called Riveria, walking over and giving the young Akihide a headpat. "You did well, now let's get some food and go over reading. I'll at least get you started before we leave for the expedition."

Akihide sighed and accepted his fate. He could only hope that whatever trainer Loki had lined up for him would be able to help him reach Finn's expectations.


"A survivor of the Okami Clan?" asked Gojouno Kaguya, looking down at the status of the boy her Goddess Astraea had given her. "They were supposedly wiped out in a monster attack 2 years ago, but there's a surviving member here in Orario?"

"That is correct." responded Astraea, looking at her Familia's Vice Captain, who had just reached level 2 a month ago, catching up with their captain, Alise. "Loki asked for you by name, saying you'd be the best bet to teach the boy how to use a pair of short swords."

"That makes sense..." mutters Kaguya, before leaning back in her chair and reminiscing. "The Okami Clan wasn't a Noble Clan like my clan or the Haruhime Clan, but they were a Warrior Clan, usually protecting one of the Noble Clans. They're known for their enhancement magic, but also their quick movements and sharp blade skills. They usually use katana or ōdachi however, not something like tantō or wakizashi, so why is Goddess Loki so adament about using short swords?"

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