Chapter 1

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She thought of her parents, of her father's silence and of her mother's screaming as she got closer and closer until she was knocked out by an overseer.

She remembered the trickling fear at the back of her mind as her slave collar was removed before being practically tossed into the shuttle. She thought of her sister, wondering where she was and if she was alive or not.

Chevva'blair held in the sigh and curled up further in the seat, hoping to disappear instead of going wherever they are going. Putting her face against her knees, she tried to calm herself, trying to force the trembling to stop.

So much confusion was stuck in her head and she missed her parents, more than anything else. Freedom wasn't supposed to feel like this? Right?

After several moments, she finally lifted her head and for the first time since setting foot on the shuttle, she looked around. She couldn't be entirely sure if the other's where slaves as well or not, but she sure didn't recognize them at the very least, not to mention that they all seemed to pointedly ignore each other.

Time passed until they finally seemed to have arrived, squinting out the window she noticed sandy terrain in which looked like a deserted planet and gigantic statues that looked imposing enough, giving her a shudder. Where they gonna leave them here to die slowly? Or something else? Heck, it wouldn't surprise her if there were grotesque monsters living down there, probably big enough to eat her whole.

She gulped as the shuttle landed and saw the other's rise but she didn't, no, she lingered for a moment before taking a breath and standing as well, following outside.

The sun blinded her instantly and she covered her eyes for a moment before blinking and looking around. The statues were scarier up close, like they were judging you-

Stumbling a bit, she stared dumbly at the stranger who bumped into her, stopping a few feet ahead of her before venturing on. Raising an eyebrow, she let out a small annoyed sigh before taking the steps inside. A man, with a tattoo covering his eye waiting for them.

"Ah, the last one to arrive is finally here. I hope you don't think you're special." The sneer was clear in his voice and she tried not to visibly grimace. Looked like this wasn't initially a 'death place' as she originally thought.

"It would be a shame if freedom went to your head, or if you somehow got the idea you didn't need to pass your trials to become Sith." Oh, she must have been sleeping when someone talked about it on the way here...or they never talked about it. But the man didn't stop for any pauses in his 'speech'.

"Lord Zash has tasked me with sorting through you refuse to find one worthy of being her apprentice, and I intend to do just that."

"Who is this Zash?" She asked without thinking but really, she was curious. Nothing bad could come from just asking a simple question.

"That's Lord Zash to you, slave. She's a Dark Lord of the Sith and more important than you'll ever be." Nevermind, he seemed pretty annoyed and she can guess he has the authority to make sure she gets killed.

"Now, the rest of you gutter trash already know your trial. Get going while I bring our latecomer up to speed." She wasn't even that late, geez, he really did hate her a lot. And she haven't even done anything.

She couldn't even figure out why she was getting angry over something like that.

She blinked as the red headed girl stepped closer to her with a nervous smile. "Watch your back, friend. And don't worry, it'll be alright. He can't kill us all." That was awfully sweet of her.

"A Sith fears no one." She blurted out. That was how a Sith was supposed to act right? Might as well try and blend in as much as she can. "Suit yourself." The girl shrugged quickly before she left after the others.

The man turned towards her again. "Now, slave, for your trial: There's a hermit named Spindrall who lives in the tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of the Dark Lords." Mister Asshole began. "Sprindrall's a lunatic, but Lord Zash sees him as some kind of prophet. Once you find him, he will test you." Oh joy, going into a tomb to find some lunatic.

She just have to try and be strong and not let fear overtake her. Hopefully.

"Fine. I will seek the insane hermit in the incredibly dangerous tomb and take his little test." Chevva'blair said dryly. Now she just hoped there wasn't monsters or stuff in the tomb, she had no real idea how to fight despite having a vibroblade with her.

"But there—you know your task. Spindrall lives in the tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of the Dark Lords." He spat and she grimaced in response. "Don't keep Spindrall waiting, slave." And with that he just left and she switched to lean on her right foot, biting her lip nervously. Fuck, she's gonna mess up so bad.

With a deep sigh she ventured out of the room until she found the exit. The sun blinded her once again and it took some time to adjust to the lights. What she saw made her feel sick to the stomach.

The way to the entrance of the tomb, she suspected was Ajunta Pall's, was cluttered with big worm like monsters. Gulping, she grabbed onto the railing to steady herself. A few moments later, she finally mustered up the strength to walk down the stairs, pulling the blade into hand.

Come on, you can do this, after all. They're training you to be Sith. She felt the familiar prickling at her fingertips and she narrowed her eyes before slowly going closer to one of the worms. Hand raised, pretty much hoping for a miracle before taking a deep breath and suddenly made a small noise of joy as a short burst of lightning was fired from her fingertips and at the slug. Said slug was stunned for a while and without even thinking, she rushed forward to strike at it, eventually killing it.

She breathed out and smiled softly to herself, she killed something and she could feel strength in every vein of her body. She could do this.

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