Chapter 23: "Say Cheese!"

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A/N: This one may be short because Y/N doesn't like to get involved with criminal stuff. You saw how that went many chapters ago. Sorry.


Disclaimer: SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW, cussing & family drama. (& Possible cringe)


E.K.: "Kids, today we're taking a family portrait."

C & M: "Aw." They both frowned while I just looked awkward. I know I'm not related to them but to have them accept me as their kin...felt so heartwarming.

E.K.: "'Aw' is right. It'll be a memento of the family I love."

"Oh my gosh...I'm gonna blush..." I covered my eyes, feeling fuzzy on the inside. I can't believe he would accept me as his granddaughter.

Cuphead: "Amusement park!"

Mugman: "Movies!"

Cuphead: "Amusement park!"

Mugman: "Movies!"

They both argued, making me cover my eyes at their pointless yelling. "Why must they be like this...?"

E.K.: "Will you two stop it?!" He yelled at first but then stopped and cleared his throat, trying to sound more reasonable as he chuckled nervously. "I mean, uh, we can't take a family portrait with you two arguing, now can we?" He shows a big grin.

I nodded in agreement while the cup brothers just continued to frown.

Cuphead: "Well, I wanna go the amusement park." He points at himself. Mugs just looked at him with a frown and with an annoyed look.

Mugman: "And I wanna go to the movies."

"I think we both got that earlier..." I rolled my eyes.

Cuphead: "Amusement park!"

Mugman: "Movies!"

Cuphead: "Amusement park!"

Mugman: "Movies!"

They both growled at each other with fists ready to strike. Then without any warning, started to fight and make a ruckus. I just looked super annoyed while Elder Kettle has an exhausted look on his face. They just kept shouting the same word over and over again.

"Make them stop, please!" I watched as Elder Kettle picked them up by their handles as they kept flinging fists in the air. The boys then stopped and looked at their caretaker.

E.K.: "Look, boys, if you two can't stop fighting, I'll never get my family photo." He said, trying to act like he really wants something to cherish. "A memento of the family I love." He sets them down. "Can't you try to get along for your Elder Kettle?" He placed his hands together and blinked to them with a smile.

Ok, that creeped us out a lot... I turned to see the brothers exchanging looks and looked down slightly with hands behind their backs.

C & M: "Yes, Elder Kettle." I clasped my hands together and gave a them a warm smile, knowing that they'll try.

E.K.: "That's the spirit. Now, let's get you three cleaned up."

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