Saving Christmas

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Back at the north pole, they made it to a safe spot and they see bombs being thrown at Santa or Krampus*

Krampus yells: Your going to regret calling my horns fat happy face!!

The kids made it.

Alli amd Slyly are riding on Rudolph and Ada is riding on Clarice

They looked*

Ratter: How do we stop the war?

Alli gets off Rudolph: Cover your ears.

Everyone does except for Rudolph amd Clarice

But Slyly and Leonard help cover their ears

Slyly- We got ya covered guys !

Alli took a deep breath and did a sonic screech*

The ground beneath the! Shook a littlw

The elves stopped throwing bombs and covered their ears, Krampus covered his ears too*

Alli stops and see they stopped throwing bombs, he gets in the middle*

Alli: Me want Santa and Krampus to come forward!

They look

Krampus and Santa came to him*

Krampus: What is the meaning of this you little brat?!

Santa: Hey take it easy Krampus, he's just a child.

Alli: First before we get to the problem, have you seen White's kitten?

Krampus: What kitten?

White- She's small and white ! She is technically a newborn ! Her name is Perla!

Krampus: Oh yeah her, the little one snuck in my sack, evil elf! Bring the baby kitten here.

Evil elf: Yes sir! *as he left*

White looks worried

The Evil elf came back with Perla*

Evil elf: Here she is unharmed.

White- My baby !

Perla mewed, White picks her up and hugs her*

White- Oh my baby want you scared me half to death ! What were you thinking ?!

Perla mewed and licks her cheek*

White chuckles and puts her in the basket with her siblings

Alli: Second why are you two fighting?

Krampus points at Santa: He started it!! He wrote a letter to me saying my horns are fat!!

Santa Why I would never ?! I could never be so crude !

Rudolph steps in

Rudolph- Yeah Santa would NEVER do such thing to hurt anyone !

Alli: Yeah, Santa not bad, and we could prove it.

Krampus: How?

Midnight looks at Santa: Do you have a letter that has your handwriting?

Santa- Of course I do. I always do when it comes to things like this

He take about a random letter

Midnight grabs it*

Alli: Can me see note that Santa gave you Krampus?

Krampus gave him the forgery note.

Alli and Midnight hold both letters*

Ratter: See, this letter doesn't have Santa's handwriting.

Rudolph- I told you Santa wouldn't do this !

Clarice- We known Santa since we were fawns !

Krampus: If it's true, then who wrote this letter?

???: Hey! Put me down!

They see Orange coming with Chuba who is carrying the little demon with his teeth*

Demon: Put me down you mutt?

Chuba: I'm a Chubacabra.

Slyly- Same difference !

Chuba: Touche. *tosses the Demon to them*

Tranno: Here's your culprit.

Santa- Oh ?

The demon shakes*

Krampus growls: So your the one who made me start this war!

Demon: Wait wait! I was paid to do this so Christmas would be ruined!

Santa By who ?

Demon: The mailman, he wants to take all the presents and ruin Christmas, which he's doing now. *points*

They see the mailman put the big sack on his mail truck and he's driving off*

White Alli you need to stop him !

Alli nodded: Slyly, you block mailman's way with something, me try and pop tires with Midnight and Rudolph!

Rudolph- I'll fly to the front and blind him with my nose !

Slyly- You got it ! Lets go Leonard !

Leomard- Right-o!

Slyly ran off with Leonard as Alli amd Midnight jumped onto Rudolph amd Clarice.

Rudolph flies with Alli on his back as Clarice runs with Midnight*

Leonard ran ahead and started to push a tree down while Slyly began to throw rocks at the truck

Slyly- Take that you holiday sabotaging scum !

The mailman screams and tries to dodge the trees and rocks*

Midnight used her powers to make pointy arrows*

She shot them at the front of the truck but the mailman kept dodging them until Rudolph flew to the front.

Alli- Okay , Rudolph , do you thing !

Rudolph- With pleasure !

Rudolph makes his rsd nose shine bright like a star

The mailman screamed covering his eyes*

His truck started to swerve and ended up crashing into a big snow hill

Rudolph landed down*

The mailman tries to leave but Leonard was in front of him*

Slyly hopped onto his shoulder Slyly Going somewhere ?

The mailman gulped*

The others wait worried, Then they see Alli in his big flying raptor form carrying the big sack of toys with Rudolph flying behind him and Leonard came with Slyly holding the mailman*

The elves cheered*

Clarice- Rudolph !

Alli gently placed the big sack down and turned back to normal panting*

Alli: Sack heavy.

Rudolph landed*

Clarice ran over to him and nuzzles him as the friends high fived

Orange: We did it!

Ratter: We saved Christmas!

Alli saves ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now