Chapter 8 - Guests

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This morning was hectic. She mixed up the right and left eye contact which lead her to running late. She grabbed her toothbrush, squirted toothpaste and began brushing.

Griffin walked by the bathroom and stared at her for an awkward amount of time. She saw him smirking through the mirror. "What?" she said with a mouth full of toothpaste.

He pointed to her hand. "That's my toothbrush."

Colette looked down at the toothbrush in her hand. That was indeed not her toothbrush.


Absolutely mortified.

Also disgusted. Most definitely. Very digusted.

She started chugging the mouth wash to get rid of that disgusting feeling of having his toothbrush in her mouth. Then she grabbed a bunch of snacks from the kitchen counter and headed to home after class.

She sat at the kitchen island and replied to bunch of emails. 

Griffin closed the front door behind him. He had heaphones in. He was wearing sneakers, a t-shirt and shorts. It was snowing outside. He must've been working out. His forehead was all sweaty. She should stop looking at him before he notices.  

She quickly turned away, hoping he hadn't noticed her staring. She knew she shouldn't have been looking at him like that, but she couldn't help it. He was always so handsome, even when he was sweaty and disheveled from a workout. She tried to focus back on her homework, but her mind kept drifting back to him and the way his muscles had looked through his t-shirt as he locked the door.

She stared at her laptop screen blankly. He walked out of peripheral vision. Maybe she was being delousional, but she felt him staring at the back of her head. Her eyes remained glued to her screen.

He cleared his voice. "You know if you continue to sit like that, you're back is going to hurt tomorrow." 

She adjusted her postured rather abruptly. "You sound like my mom." She spinned her chair to face him.

He snorted and took out his headphones. "My friends are coming over for dinner."

She couldn't help but laugh. He glared at her. "Sorry," she said. "First off, I didn't think you had friends. Second of all, you can't cook."

"Of course I can cook." He crossed his arms. "For your information, I have friends.

Her eye darted to the trashcan overflowing of takeout. "I've never seen you cook before."

"That's because I hate washing dishes." Touché. "I will have you know that I make a killer steak."

"That's it?" He can only cook steak? Nothing else?

He looked genuinely appalled. "Of course not! I can also grill some mean burgers and hot dogs. And I make a mean stir fry too."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Well, I'll have to see it to believe it." She grinned. "I look forward to tasting your 'killer' steak."

He rolled his eyes but she could see a hint of a smile on his lips. "Just don't expect too much. I don't want to disappoint you."

She moved to work on the couch to give him more counter space. She stopped focusing when the aroma of whatever he was cooking filled her nose. She became curious. What ever he was making smelled good. What possibly could he be cooking? 

She peered over his shoulder and watched him stir a white stubstance. Looked like congee. She watched him pour a small scoup into a bowl. He grabbed a spoon and took a sip. He noticed her staring. He held the spoon close to her mouth. "You want to taste test?"

She hesitated.

 "Oh c'mon, you used my toothbrush this morning. My germs have already been inside of your mouth. How much worse can this be?"

She opened her mouth and let him feed her. Not bad. She grabbed the bowl in his hand at scarffed down the rest.

"I'm going to take that as a sign that you like it."

She looked around the kitchen. "Where's the 'killer' steak?"

"I didn't make it. There wasn't any steak in the fridge." 

A couple hours later, two guys showed up at their door.

The one with the wine in his hand talked first. "Who's this?"

"Mark. George. This is my roommate, Colette. She likes to use other people's toothbrushes," Griffin said casually, the corner of his mouth lifted.

Very funny. She decided to break even of the situation by telling his friends an embarrassing moment she witnessed of him. "Griffin, you didn't tell them about what happened to you the other day?"

 "What happened?" George asked.

"I was in a Zoom meeting and Griffin  screamed like a four year old because a spider was in his bed. You want to see the zoom recording?"

They gather around her laptop as she pulled up the video and skipped to the time frame. His friends laughed like they were gonna piss their pants any moment. They both gasped for air. Griffin eyed her with the death look. She smiled back. Haha. That's what you get for embrassing me. He gently slammed her laptop shut when Mark replayed the clip for the fifth time. "Who's ready for dinner?" 

His friends also seemed to like Griffin's cooking. After a third bowel of congee, she was stuffed. She excused herself to go to the bathroom.    

She heard George through the door at his attempt to whisper. "That's the girl you've been talking about?"

"Uh-huh," Griffin whispered back. So he talks about me?

"I see the way you look at her," Mark snickered.

"Don't get this all twisted, Mark. I don't like her like that."

"Whatever you say, dude."

She came back out and joined them. They continued the conversation before Colette left the table. They grabbed their coat and prepared to leave after the conversation died down.

"Thanks for having us over," Mark winked at Griffin. 

"Bring Colette over when we have dinner at my place," George said. "That is, if Colette wants to."

Her eyes lighted up. "I would love to."

Griffin shooed them out the door before they stayed for another ten minutes after they said they would leave. 

She helped clear the table. "You friends are nice." 

He grabbed the dishes from her hand. "I think they like you better than me." 

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