Chapter 3- Running on Fumes

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Heyyy I know it's been a while, but this story is not dead. Here's an update. Life has been insane since I graduated high school. I'm currently living abroad for a year, where wifi is sparse. I have been writing. Just updating is hard. So here's Chapter 3. Thank you for being so patient.

Lexi deals with her stuff while trying to avoid setting in. At the same time, Owen and TK start to become worried.

"I just got off the phone with her Mom. She doesn't know she's here."

Lexi is in the bathroom looking in the mirror, bandaging up a scar on her left arm.

In Owen's office, TK stands up in shock and says

"What?! What do you mean she doesn't know that Lexi's here."

"I called her. She said that the last time Lexi was at her Mom's was last week, the last time she talked to Lexi was yesterday, and she didn't say anything about planning to surprise us."

They watch Lexi as she goes down the stairs and onto the main floor, and Marjan sees her and says

"So, What's your deal?" Lexi chuckles and walks up to Marjan, who's standing next to Paul, Mateo, and Judd, as Tim, Nancy, and Michelle restock the ambulance and listen in, and she says

"What do you mean 'What's my deal?"

"She means, Why are you here?" Judd says to which Lexi huffs and says

"I can't surprise my brother and my dad. Why do I need to have an ulterior motive?" Then Paul says

"True. She's right."

"How long are you here for?" Mateo asks Lexi as she looks down and says

"Um. 2 weeks." Then Judd says

"2 weeks! Your Mom is letting you miss two weeks of school."

"I'm doing my work while I'm here when y'all are on your shift," Lexi says as TK and Owen come down the stairs and says

"Hey! I see you're all getting along." They all smile as TK and Owen join them; Paul looks at the time and says

"I'm gonna get lunch started." As Paul goes to the kitchen, Lexi says

"Paul, Do you want any help?"

"If you're anything like your brother in the kitchen, thanks for the offer, but no," Paul replies as everybody except Lexi and TK laugh as Lexi huffs.

"I'm not as bad as TK in the kitchen or anywhere." Everybody laughs as TK playfully hits Lexi as Paul goes into the kitchen to make lunch

A little while later, TK sees Lexi on the phone outside the firehouse. The conversation she's having doesn't look pleasant. Lexi is iterated. He seems concerned then he gets called away.

This was not a pleasant conversation for Lexi. She hated it. She wanted to hang up the phone. But she knew it would make it worse. She was on the phone with her mother. Her shitty excuse of a mother. Her mother is screaming at her.

"Why the fuck are you in Austin? Why didn't you tell me or at least ask me? I was so worried about you." Lexi scoffs. "What?! What's so funny, Alexia?"

"Nothing. Mother."

"Well, you laughed. When are you coming back home?"

"Mom. I just saw my brother and my dad. Okay. I'll be back in like two weeks."

"No. I'm coming down to get you, Lexi! That's too long. What about school?"

"I'm doing my work while I'm here. While there on shift, I am doing my work. I cleared it with all my teachers. I'm coming back in 2 weeks."

"Fine." Her mother stubbornly says, "But you're calling me every day. Or I am calling your dad." Then we hear a man's voice yell

"Are you coming? We have to go! Babe."

"Ok, I love you. I have to go." Lexi puts the phone back in her pocket, and the team is still on the call. That did not go well. But she knew it wouldn't go great no matter what happened. Lexi bought herself time to be in Austin, but SHe had to tell TK or her dad. Even though she knew they would react horribly. She had to tell them the reason for her abrupt trip. She walks up to her dad's office. She looks at the time. She has been up for over 24 hours. Those 24 hours have not been calm. They were a chaotic 24 hours where she was running on fumes. She sat on the couch in his office and lay down. She wasn't relaxed, but for now, she was somewhere safe.

The team gets back from their call. Owen goes to his office and sees Lexi fast asleep on the couch. He stops at the door and chuckles. Blake sees this and asks.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." He goes to the floor and says, "TK bring a blanket up to my office." TK gives him a look. "It's for your sister." Without another word, he does it. Owen goes back up and sits at his desk. He glances at her. His little girl ran away from home. TK comes up with the blanket and smiles when he sees his sister sleeping peacefully. He throws the blanket to his father, who gently places it on her as if not to wake her. Owen kisses her head as he did when she was a kid. 2 dings disrupt the quiet. They both check if it's their phone; It's not. It's Lexis. They see two texts on her phone from Sydney.

Hey, your Mom called me to see if I know anything about you running away. I played dumb, obv.

We'll call later. Just rest, and it's going to get better.

Luv u 😙  - Sydney

TK picks up her phone, and they both look at it in confusion and then at Lexi, who's still sleeping.

"Dad. What does she mean by that?"

"I don't know, son. But we're gonna find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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