Chapter 48

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The villain of the last days gets his wish


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 48

    "Brother Qiang, something's wrong!" Zhao Dong led his men to drag "Lin An" out from behind the cardboard box, and immediately exclaimed, "He's a fool!

    " Wasn't the person behind him the one who helped Lin An in the rear compartment and was responsible for looking after him!

    "What's going on!" Glaring at the pale Long De, Long Qiang made a quick decision: "Get out of the car, that kid has run away!" The whole thing was taken away by his mother, and he had to chase him back no matter what he said. !

    At this moment, a gunshot sounded, and Long De, who was closest to the car door, suddenly groaned and fell to the ground, bleeding from the blood hole on his back. Looking out through the dim emergency lights, I could vaguely see a black figure flashing to the side quickly. At the same time, several bullets came in one after another, and one hit a gangster beside Long Qiang.

    The gangster screamed while clutching his bleeding thigh, Long Qiang panicked and immediately led the people on his left and right to hide, just behind the piles of cardboard box bunkers.

    "Brother Qiang, what should we do!" Zhao Dong also panicked, seeing Long De motionless after falling down in the carriage, his heart trembled.

    Long Qiang spat hard, feeling ruthless in his heart, "You guys come with me!" With so many of his subordinates, a kid can take it all by himself!

    The door of the rear compartment was only half opened, and the other half was closed from the beginning. Through the half-open door, there was silence outside, and Lin An seemed to have left. But Long Qiang didn't give up, and ordered someone to turn off the emergency lights, and the spacious rear compartment immediately fell into darkness, only a little moonlight shone in from half of the entrance, forming a small halo nearby.

    Long Qiang led people to wipe the carriage tightly, and moved quietly behind the half-closed door, holding his breath, and quietly stuck to the door to listen to the movement outside. A few minutes later, a burst of rustling footsteps approached, Long Qiang Gritting his teeth tightly, he held his breath in his stomach, staring at the halo at the entrance next to him -

    a figure flashed in quickly!

    Long Qiang suddenly appeared from the side, the corner of his mouth curled into a ruthless smile, and a ball of fire the size of a fist rushed towards the young man outside. They also rushed out immediately carrying the sight.

    In the blink of an eye, Lin An didn't shoot, nor did he dodge. Instead, he stood there strangely and smiled faintly at Chong Longqiang, with a flustered clarity in his eyes—as if he had already guessed what the other party was thinking. .     Before Long Qiang had time to be surprised, the scene of "haunted" that Zhao Dong said before happened again. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. On the sky, the fireball in the midair was carrying a strong bright red, staying quietly, not extinguished, nor flickering and burning.     For a moment, time seemed to be frozen, and almost in the next second, Lin An suddenly took a few steps back, and the half-open metal car door slammed shut as if manipulated by an invisible hand in midair. The lock on the door twisted and deformed in a few seconds, fused with the door, and then hardened, and the entire steel door became a pinched and welded iron plate.     In the carriage, the frozen time fluctuated in the next second, and the gangsters who were suddenly frozen and unsteady staggered and fell, a string of fire fell, and before anyone could react, it spread along the gasoline all over the bottom of the carriage, and the flames With a whoosh, he quickly rushed to the inside of the carriage, and licked stacks of cardboard boxes at a speed too fast for the naked eye to track. The cardboard boxes were burned to ashes in an instant, and the container that fell out was filled with what Long Qiang wanted most—gasoline .     "Bang bang bang!!!" The back door was hit hard, and there was a faint cry of despair coming from inside, but it was tightly closed.     "Boom!" The soaring flames and explosions sounded behind him, Lin An was already in the car, the wheels were rolling, the car drove away from the entire section of road lit by burning, and looked at the burning light through the rearview mirror , My heart was not as happy as I expected.     I just feel that the depression that has been suffocated in my heart for a long time, and even the many grievances in my previous life have been burned away with this flame. Going forward, he is Lin An who has nothing to do with him in his previous life, has a life-saving ability, and is accompanied by his elder brother who is the best for him.     The future is uncertain, but there is nothing to be afraid of.     Lin An turned his head to look at Huo Cheng, seeing his rosy face, the last bit of melancholy in his heart was gradually replaced by joy.

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